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Whom to Contact
Whom to Contact:
Is the student in danger to self or others or otherwise in need of immediate assistance for another reason?
The student's conduct is clearly and imminently reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening.
Call UPD at x5222 (if on campus) or dial 911.
The student shows signs of distress, but I'm unsure whether it is serious. I'm left feeling uneasy and concerned about the student.
I'm not immediately concerned for the student, but the student is having significant difficulties and needs support.
Submit a Student of Concern Report to the Geneseo CAREs Team. This referral will be reviewed within 1 business day and a member of the Geneseo CAREs Team will respond to the concern.
Contact Rachel Radovich-Chu, Geneseo CAREs Coordinator for additional support.