Staff of the Office of the Provost

The provost (vice president for academic affairs) is the chief academic officer and is responsible for leading the development and implementation of SUNY Geneseo's academic vision.

The provost provides leadership across the academic enterprise through the articulation and support of academic priorities. These priorities include excellence in undergraduate, graduate, and professional education; faculty excellence in teaching, research, and public service; intellectual, geographic and cultural diversity of faculty and students; trans-disciplinary innovation in research, scholarship, and creative activities; and global leadership in research and education. As the university’s second ranking officer, the provost reports directly to the president.

To learn more about the Provost Office team members, click on their name.

Contact Information

Office of the Provost
Erwin Hall 205-207
Geneseo, NY 14454
Tel: 585-245-5531 or 585-245-6491
Fax: 585-245-5096

photo of Mary Toale
Mary C. Toale

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Office: Erwin 207

Phone: (585) 245-6491

David Parfitt
David Parfitt

Associate Provost for Academic Success

Office: Erwin 205E

Phone: (585) 245-5531

Melanie Blood
Melanie Blood

Associate Provost for Assessment & Curriculum and Professor of English & Music

Office: Erwin 205

Phone: (585) 245-5531

Enrico Johnson
Enrico Johnson

Associate Provost for Finance and Administration

Office: Erwin 205

Phone: (585) 245-5531

Photo of Kathleen Atts
Kathleen Atts

Senior Assistant to the Provost

Office: Erwin 207

Phone: (585) 245-5058

Administrative Assistants

Giuseppina Scigliano

Administrative Assistant

Office: Erwin 205

Phone: (585) 245-5531

Portrait of Heather
Heather Weber

Administrative Assistant

Office: Erwin 207

Phone: (585) 245-6491