Message from President Denise A. Battles, August 23, 2024

Dear College Friends and Students,

As I reflected in my Convocation Address, with the campus beginning yet another academic year, I’m struck by the fact that all of us—faculty, staff, students, and alumni—are part of a continuum, generations of individuals who are touched by and contribute to the Geneseo experience, destined to eventually step back to let others take our places. The constant is the College, the unchanging foundation, the common thread woven throughout all our experiences. Our comprehensive campaign slogan, Geneseo for Generations, has as at its core the recognition that we build on the important work done by those who came before us as we also pave the way for the generations of students, alumni, faculty, and staff to come.

This year marks my tenth serving as this College’s president, a role I truly cherish and feel honored to hold. Eleven dedicated and talented individuals preceded me in the office, and many will follow. The names—MacVittie, Sturges, and Welles—appear on buildings all over campus and presidential faces adorn portraits hanging on walls we pass by. Geneseo is a constant but presidents, like the seasons, change, and a new generation of leaders steps forward to guide the College into the future. And so that time has come for me.

After much reflection and with profoundly mixed emotions, I have decided to conclude my presidential service during summer 2025. I recently advised Chancellor King of my intention and am announcing it publicly now so that the campus will have ample time to conduct a search for my successor. I’ll note that while I plan to exit my presidential role, next summer will not mark the end of my SUNY career. The opportunity to pursue a major post-presidency initiative, one that draws on my scholarly interests in women in STEM and will benefit this campus and the System more broadly, was a key factor in my decision. It has been and continues to be gratifying to work with such talented and committed faculty, staff, and alumni who believe fervently in Geneseo’s educational mission.

This coming year holds challenges that we, the present generation, will face as a college as we have done throughout my time as president to prepare the way for those to come. Together we will continue to move Geneseo forward, as we become the premier equity minded honors college we envision, one dedicated to providing an affordable, high-quality education for tomorrow’s teachers, innovators, and leaders.

We have much to do now and, in the months, to come. It has been and will continue to be a privilege to serve as your president, and I look forward to all we as a community will accomplish in the coming year.


Denise A. Battles, PhD