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College Handbook
College Handbook
Article IX, Title A, paragraph 3 of the Policies of the Board of Trustees, State University of New York, reads:
The chief administrative officer of each college shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of a college handbook, subject to the approval of the chancellor. Such handbook should include an administrative organization chart, a statement of administrative responsibilities, faculty bylaws, local policies and such other information concerning the college as he or she may deem advisable and shall be made available to all members of the academic staff of the college.
This College Handbook is published in response to the board of trustees requirement. It is intended to serve as a reference for students, faculty and staff, particularly those relatively new to the College. Wherever possible, the source and date of each policy are given.
The College Handbook is an official publication of the President's Office; its provisions apply to all College personnel. All subsequent additions, deletions or other changes, and new policies of College-wide application are to be considered amendments to the College Handbook and must be submitted to the president for approval before distribution and inclusion in future revisions.
No statement of policy or regulation herein should be interpreted in any way that would make it inconsistent with the policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York or violate of any New York State or federal law.
Statement of Administrative Responsibility
State University of New York System (SUNY)
The State University of New York comprises all State supported institutions of higher education.* It is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor, decentralized in concept, and integrated through its central administrative staff.
The State Legislature established it in 1948, and on April 1, 1949, the University's Board of Trustees assumed jurisdiction over 29 existing State-supported institutions of higher education.
Today, the University is comprised of 64 colleges and centers as follows: 4 University Centers, 3 Medical Centers, 13 Colleges of Arts and Science, 2 Specialized Colleges, 5 Colleges of Technology, 2 Colleges of Agriculture and Technology, 5 Statutory Colleges and 30 locally sponsored two-year Community Colleges.
*With the exception of the colleges of City University of New York.
Organization Structure for SUNY
Board of Trustees
The State University of New York is governed by a Board of Trustees who are, by law, entrusted with the responsibility for the overall operation, maintenance, and supervision of the University. The fifteen members are appointed by the Governor of the State.
Chancellor of the State University of New York
The Chancellor of the State University of New York acts as the representative of the Board of Trustees, is the chief executive of the University, and administers its affairs with the authority of the Trustees.
University Faculty Senate
The University Faculty Senate functions in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor of the University. The Senate membership includes elected representatives from each of the State-operated units and contract colleges. The Senate serves a University-wide purpose providing a forum for the interchange of ideas and the consideration of matters of mutual interest to the faculties of the University.
SUNY Campuses
Each SUNY campus is administered by the college president. The president is the chief administrative officer of the College, responsible to the Chancellor for the total organization, administration, and development of the College. The President is responsible for implementing all policies of the State University of New York Board of Trustees and serves as the official channel for all policy, program, and budget recommendations from the College. The President is expected to provide creative educational leadership for the achievement of the mission and goals of the College. The President represents the College in a wide spectrum of relationships with governmental and external regulatory agencies, business, industry, and other educational institutions.
College Council
The College Council, an advisory group to the President of the College, is appointed by the Governor of the State. The Council provides local advice regarding the operations and affairs of the College. The Trustees have delegated specific authority to the Council for the following:
- consider regulations governing the care and management of campus buildings, grounds and equipment;
- consider regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students;
- determine the naming of campus buildings and grounds;
- make recommendations regarding the appointment of the President of the College;
- review proposed academic program changes; and
- approve candidates for degrees.