Become a Peer Advocate

About Training

Any undergraduate student pursuing any area of study is eligible to apply to the training program. Peer advocates must apply to participate in our training program (involving 5-8 hours of work per week over 10 weeks) and successfully complete this program the semester immediately before they serve as peer advocates. We can accept only a limited number of students to our training program. Minimum qualifications for acceptance to train are listed below.

Applications for the training program open on the first day of the semester. Students interested in becoming a new peer advocate for Fall 2025 must successfully complete training during the Spring 2025 semester. Spring 2025 training applications, including submission of an unofficial transcript and reference information to Dr. Katz via email, were due by noon on Th Jan 30. Applicants will be contacted soon after the application deadline for interviews. No late or incomplete applications can be considered. We offer training every fall and spring semester. 





Becoming a Trainee: Minimum Qualifications

  • At least one semester of completed enrollment at SUNY Geneseo (No exceptions can be made; we need people who are familiar with our campus)
  • An overall GPA at SUNY Geneseo of 3.0 or higher (we need people who have successfully managed to balance academic and other responsibilities; if you are close to a 3.0, depending on the number of applicants, you may be considered).
  • Available to attend ongoing group supervision meetings on Friday afternoons from 4 to 5pm. (No exceptions can be made; supervision is essential to skill development). We meet in person; there's no opportunity for hybrid or remote participation, for confidentiality reasons.
  • Committed to keeping Friday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:00 pm as available meeting times during the following semester.
  • Available to complete readings, write reflections, and attend ~4 hours of training sessions per week for ten weeks the semester prior to serving as a Peer Advocate. (If accepted to the training program, you will be assigned to one of several weekly evening training groups on M-R, depending on your availability)
  • Successful completion of the online application including reference and transcript information (see below)
  • Available to serve as a Peer Advocate the following semester (without skipping a semester to study abroad, etc.)

Becoming a Peer Advocate: Minimum Qualifications

  • A demonstrated commitment to the 10 week training process (i.e., on time to all supervision and training sessions, no absences, active involvement, quality contributions to sessions)
  • Feeling prepared
  • Sufficient time to dedicate to serving as an Advocate and a training group leader (minimum of 6 hrs per week plus being on call) the semester immediately after the training
  • Positive evaluations by current peer advocates regarding trainees’ helping skills (assessed via simulated on-call performance)
  • Positive evaluations by the instructor (who has final say)

Instructions for Applying Online to the Pathways Training Program

Step 1: Complete all questions on the online application:

Step 2: Submit an unofficial transcript *and* your reference information via email to Instructions for creating a pdf file of your transcript are below. In addition to attaching your transcript, the body of the email should list the names, titles, email, and phone numbers of two people who are willing to be contacted to answer a few questions about you. References are not required to write letters. At least one reference must be a current faculty or staff member at Geneseo (As the current Pathways coordinator, Dr. Katz cannot serve as a reference for applicants). Your application can not be considered unless both Steps 1 and 2 are fully completed

In Google Chrome, log in to your KnightWeb account > click on Student > Student Records > Academic Transcript.  When your Academic Transcript appears on the page: 

  1. Hold down the “Control" button (CTRL), and press the "a" key (CTRL+A) on the keyboard while the Transcript is displayed.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the highlighted area of your Academic Transcript.
  3. Select: “PRINT” from the option window.
  4. From the PRINT OPTIONS window, change the destination of your document to “Save as PDF.”
  5. Click SAVE and save the file to your desktop using your G00 number Student ID as the file name.
  6. Once saved, you should now be able to print the file or upload and attach to any email or site.

Students who successfully complete the training program and who are formally accepted as Advocates for the following semester will be enrolled for three credits of PSYC 294 by permission of the instructor. PSYC 294 meets on Fridays at 2:30 pm. Registration contracts are completed at the end of the pre-semester retreat.

If you have additional questions about our program, please contact Dr. Katz, Department of Psychology,