On Saturday, May 20, SUNY Geneseo held its 157th Commencement, conferring nearly a thousand degrees before a capacity audience of family, friends, faculty, and staff.

State University of New York Chancellor John B. King Jr. gave the commencement keynote, and President Denise A. Battles addressed the graduates as well. “I see before me tomorrow’s change makers and leaders, highly capable individuals who feel an obligation to give back and make the world a better place,” she said. “You have the talent, drive, and perseverance to succeed. I have no doubt you will do great things.”

Three new officers were elected at the April 28 Geneseo Foundation Board meeting. July 1 will start a three-year term for the following officers: Robert Walley '83, chair; Clare Cusack '96, vice chair; and Jessica Blair '00, secretary. Robert Murray '83 will continue to serve as treasurer.