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Planning & Initiatives
Planning & Initiatives
The President's Commission on Diversity
Geneseo recognizes that the individuals who make up our community bring to it unique perspectives and knowledge that contribute to its richness and vibrancy. We recognize that Geneseo's progress as a community is predicated on its ability to embrace both the diversity of its members and the vigorous exchange of their ideas. The President's Commission on Diversity seeks to aid the college in the ongoing work of continually recreating a sense of inclusion, belonging, and empowerment, so that together we will achieve our individual and collective aims, and experience the intellectual liberation that is at the heart of the educational enterprise.
Learn more about the Commission on Diversity.
The Strategic Planning Group
The Strategic Planning Group (SPG) will define overarching goals for the College, evaluate priorities and, where appropriate, recommend new or revised goals and strategies that will strengthen the mission of the College. SPG will review the goals of the College and its constituent units to ensure that they are in keeping with the Vision and Mission Statements and will regularly review the College's progress towards these goals. The Strategic Planning Group will make all of its recommendations directly to the President.
Learn more about the Strategic Planning Group.