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Appeals/Grievance Process
Internal Appeals or Grievances
- For appeals directly related to accommodations, the student should outline the details of the complaint, in writing, and deliver it to the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services within 10 business days of the incident. The Director will informally investigate the complaint and will respond in writing. The response will include a summary of findings and a rationale for the resulting decision
- If the grievance is against the Director, or if the decision of the Director is not satisfactory to the student, the student may file an appeal with the Dean of the College. The Dean will convene the Disabilities Services Advisory Committee to review the grievance.
- At least three members of the Disability Services Advisory Committee will meet with the student and, at a separate time, with the other party.
- A written determination will be sent to the Director and the student within 15 working days. A copy of the determination will be kept on file for 5 years.
External Appeals or Grievances
Although a student is encouraged to resolve complaints at either the personal level directly with faculty, or through the internal appeals or grievance process, he/she has the right to file a grievance with the Office of Civil Rights at any time. The Statute of Limitations for filing a complaint with OCR is 180 days from the time the incident occurred. Forms may be obtained from the ADA Coordinator, or the student can appeal online through the Office of Civil Rights.