Learning Outcomes for Basic Communication

Basic Communication (Writing):

These outcomes are fulfilled by one required course (INTD 105: Writing Seminar) emphasizing analytical and textual writing.  The skills involved in close reading require sensitivity to the subtleties of carefully constructed prose and that ability to recognize, construct, and assess arguments in written form.  This requirement emphasizes both form and content in the written work; ideas should reflect thinking that is critical and constructive. 

The focus of the course is offered by members from different areas of the academic curriculum.  This requirement must be met in the first year.

This course focuses on close analysis of sophisticated texts (broadly defined) in order to hone students' analytical thinking and writing skills.  Writing and analytical skills are essential to success other courses, both in general education and the major.  More importantly, these skills are cornerstones of a liberal education.


Learning Outcomes:

Students will:

  • read significant texts carefully and critically, recognizing and responding to argumentative positions;
  • write sustained, coherent, and persuasive arguments on significant issues that arise from the content at hand;
  • write clearly, following conventions of Standard English.