SUNY Geneseo General Education Requirements

For students entering in Fall 2022 and later:

General education is an important component of A Geneseo Education for A Connected World. It consists of 7-10 courses to be completed in the first two years of study. 

1. Communication and Scientific Literacy (3-5 courses)

  • Basic Communication: WRTG 105 or HONR 101
  • Language other than English through the 2nd elementary level: 0-2* classes in a single language
  • Quantitative, Computational, Symbolic Reasoning: 1 course
  • Natural Science: 1 course with lecture and lab components

2. Participation in a Global Society** (4-5 courses)

In fulfilling the following five areas, students must take one course each in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

  • Diversity, Pluralism, and Power (DPP): 1 course
  • World Cultures and Values​ (WCV): 1 course
  • Contemporary Global Challenges (CGC): 1 course
  • Creativity and Innovation​​ (CAI): 1 course
  • Sustainability (SST): 1 course

*Students who have credit for two college semesters of a language or four high school years have no language requirement at Geneseo. Students with less language study take a placement exam, and any student may study a new language.

**Notes on Participation in a Global Society:

  • Coursework outside the arts, humanities, and social sciences may be used to satisfy these areas.
  • Double-dipping is permitted once in the five "Participation in a Global Society" areas; that is, one course may be taken to satisfy two of the "Participation in a Global Society" areas.
  • No more than one course from a student's primary major may be used to satisfy "Participation in a Global Society" area requirements.
  • Courses used to satisfy the "Communication and Scientific Literacy" requirements cannot double dip for "Participation in a Global Society."
  • Coursework must be in at least four different prefixes.
How A Geneseo Education for a Connected World fulfills SUNY General Education:
SUNY GE Category Credits Geneseo Requirement Courses
  1. Communication 
and Scientific  Literacy (3-5 courses)
Communication - written and oral (required) 3-4 Basic Communication WRTG 105 or HONR 101
World Languages 0-8 Communication: Language other than English through second elementary level 0-2 courses in a single language, with World Language attribute
Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) (required) 3-4 Quantitative, Computational, Symbolic Reasoning 1 course with Quantitative Reasoning attribute
Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning) (required) 3-4 Natural Science 1 course with Natural Science Lecture and Lab attributes
2. Participation  in a  Global Society (5 total areas, minimum 4 courses)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (required) 3-4 Participation in a Global Society: Diversity, Pluralism, and Power
1 course with DPP attribute  
Humanities 3-4 Participation in a Global Society: (any area) 1 course with Humanities attribute
Social Sciences 3 Participation in a Global Society: (any area) 1 course with Social Science attribute
The Arts 3-4 Participation in a Global Society: (any area) 1 course with Arts attribute
World History and Global Awareness 3-4 Participation in a Global Society: World Cultures and Values 1 course with WCV attribute

All students must complete 30 hours in SUNY-aligned general education courses. Total credits = 30-39.


For students entering between fall 2014 and summer 2022:**

SUNY GER Category Credits Former Name of
Geneseo Category
1. Mathematics (R/)   3-4 Quantitative Reasoning Choose one course from R/ list
10. Basic Communication
3 Writing Seminar
INTD 105: Writing Seminar: (subtitle)
2. Natural Sciences  (NLEC/ and NLAB/) 8-10 Natural Sciences Choose two lec/lab courses in two different prefixes, from N/ list. For students graduating after summer 2022, this requirement is reduced to one lec/lab course.
3. Social Sciences (S/) 6 Social Sciences Choose two courses in two different prefixes, from S/ list. For students graduating after summer 2022, this requirement is reduced to one course.
4. American History (U/) 0-3 U.S. History Choose one course from U/ list 
5. Western Civilization (W/) 4 Humanities Choose one course from W/H/HUMN 220 or W/H/HUMN 221 or W/H/HUMN 222 
6. Other World Civilizations (M/) 0-3 Multicultural Choose one course from M/ list
7. Humanities (H/) 0-4 Humanities Choose one course from W/H/HUMN 220 or W/H/HUMN 221 or W/H/HUMN 222
8. The Arts (F/) 6 Fine Arts Choose two courses in two different prefixes from F/ list. For students graduating after summer 2022, this requirement is reduced to one course.
9. Foreign Language (L/) 0-8 Foreign Language Choose language courses through 102 from L/ list 
Total credits (Must be at least 30 per SUNY Policy) 30-52    

Students who started in Geneseo before Fall 2014 are required to complete the General Education requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin of their Catalog Year.

Comparison of the SUNY-GER* and Geneseo Gen Ed (with local requirements).

*SUNY's GER requirements apply to students earning degrees through summer 2023, after which a revised general education will apply.

SUNY-GER (7-10-30) Geneseo General Education Curriculum
10 general education areas -- 7 out of 10 required. 10 general education areas -- all 10 areas required.
Mathematics required.
Mathematics required.  
Transfer courses that fulfill this category completed at the sending institution accepted.
Basic Communication required.
AP credits accepted.
Basic Communication required -- writing course INTD 105.
Transfer courses that fulfill this category completed at the sending institution accepted.
AP not accepted (even if accepted at sending institution).
Choice of 5 out of the 8 remaining
Only one course per category needed to fulfill each category.
Double-dipping allowed (e.g., S/U)
More than two courses per category permitted to bring total number of credits to 30.

All 8 remaining areas are required.
Two courses with different prefixes from N/, S/, and F/ areas.
S/ area courses have additional writing component.
F/ area courses at Geneseo are limited to Fine and Performing Arts.
Double-dipping allowed (S/U, S/M, F/M)
Lab required for N/ requirement. Lecture-only transfer courses do not fulfill the N/ requirement.
Western Civilization: HUMN 220 OR HUMN 221 OR HUMN 222 (Transfer courses that fulfill these areas at sending institutions not allowed.)
Humanities: HUMN 200 OR HUMN 221 OR HUMN 222 (Transfer courses that fulfill these areas at sending institutions not allowed.)
Foreign Language: Intermediate level (201) required.  ASL is not accepted except for Education majors.
Total: 30 credits required
Total: 30-52 credits, depending on HS foreign language, 3 or 4 credit courses, 2-credit labs, double-dipping S/U and S/M, etc.