Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus

Curriculum Vitae
- BA Manhattan College, 1965
- MA University of Delaware, 1967
- PhD University of Delaware, 1969
- LHD (honoris causa) Manhattan College, 1991
- State University of New York, College at Geneseo
- SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of English, 1989-2018;
Emeritus, - Chair, 1994-1997
- Acting Chair, 1986, 2005
- Professor, 1983‑89
- Associate Professor,1978‑83
- Assistant Professor, 1969‑78
- SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of English, 1989-2018;
- New York University
- Visiting Lecturer, 2019
- Fordham University
- Fellow, Center for Medieval Studies, 2015-2016
- St. John’s College, Santa Fe, NM
- Guest Tutor, Summer 1994, 1997
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- Assistant Director, Division of Fellowships and Seminars,
1984‑85 - Founding Program Officer: Summer Seminars for School Teachers,
- Assistant Director, Division of Fellowships and Seminars,
- Georgetown University
- Professorial Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies, 1983‑85
- Attica Correctional Facility
- Adjunct Professor of Literature (through Genesee Community College),
- Adjunct Professor of Literature (through Genesee Community College),
- University of Chicago
- Fellow, 1978-79
- University of Delaware
- Instructor in English, 1968‑69.
- State University of New York, College at Geneseo
Areas of Specialization
- Medieval and Renaissance Literature
- Dante
- Chaucer
- Medieval Spirituality
- Francis of Assisi
- Latin
- Humanities
- Shakespeare
- The Bible
Courses Taught
- Dante / The Age of Dante
- Dante and African American Literature
- Chaucer / Chaucer and His Age
- Humanities I: Readings from Plato to Shakespeare
- Humanites I in New York City / in Hong Kong
- Humanities II: Locke to Present
- Medieval Studies (team‑taught, interdepartmental):
- The Age of Francis of Assisi
- Love and War in the Twelfth Century
- The Age of Chaucer
- The Age of Dante
- Poetry and Cosmology in the Middle Ages
- The Apocalyptic Tradition
- Shakespeare (six different courses)
- The Bible
- Literary Forms:
- Tragedy
- Arthurian Romance
- Mythology
- Old English/Beowulf
- Medieval British Literature
- Medieval European Literature
- British Literature I (beginnings to 1700)
- Medieval Mysticism (Senior Seminar)
- College Writing
- Summer Courses Abroad (team‑taught):
- Literature and Society in Chaucer\'s England
- Literature and Society in Dante\'s Italy
- France and England in the High Middle Ages
- Latin
- Elementary Latin
- Medieval Latin
- Reading courses in Virgil, Ovid, Augustine, Boethius, Benedict,
- Bonaventure, Livy
- Honors 102 / 202 (Critical Reading)
- The Medieval World View, third edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xxi + 397 (with William R. Cook).
- The Medieval World View, second edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. xx + 320 (with William R Cook).
- Four Romances of England: King Horn, Havelok the Dane, Bevis of Hampton, and Athelston. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1999 (Edited, with Graham N. Drake and Eve Salisbury).
- The Apocalyptic Imagination in Medieval Literature, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Pp. xi + 244 (with Richard K. Emmerson). Chapter Four, “The Commedia: Apocalypse, Church, and Dante’s Conversion,” rpt. in Dante: The Critical Complex, ed. Richard Lansing (New York and London: Routledge, 2003), vol. 5, pp. 350-401.
- La Vision Medieval Del Mundo, tr. Milagros Rivera Garreta. Barcelona: Editorial Vincens‑Vives, 1985 (with William R. Cook).
- The Medieval World View, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. xxiv + 366 (with William R. Cook)
Articles and Chapters
- “Dante, Pope Nicholas III, and the Frescoes in the Sancta Sanctorum,” Dante Studies 140 (2022): 95-134.
- “Virgil’s Mission: Dante and the Salvation of the Pagan World,” Mediaevalia 44 (2023): 125-180 (with Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran Cruz).
- "Simony," The Chaucer Encyclopedia, ed Richard Newhouser (Wiley), forthcoming.
- “Dante, Francis, Iacopone,” Tributes to Richard K. Emmerson: Crossing Medieval Disciplines, eds. Deirdere Carter, Elina Gertsman, and Karlyn Griffith. Turnhout, Belgium: Harvey Miller / Brephols, 2021, pp. 301-314
- “Teaching Dante in Prison,” Approaches to Teaching Dante's Divine Comedy, eds. Christopher Kleinhenz and Kristina Olson. New York: MLA Publications, 2020, pp. 242-256
- “Dante’s Francis, Take 2,” Select Proceedings from the First International Conference on Franciscan Studies: “The World of Saint Francis” (July 16-20, 2015), eds. Bradley R. Franco and Beth A. Mulvaney. Siena: Betti Editrice, 2016, pp. 51-62.
- "Fraternal (Un) Masking: "Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Dante's Inferno 27," in The World of St. Francis of Assisi, " eds. Bradley R. Franco and Beth A. Mulvaney. Leiden: Brill, 2015, pp. 121-139.
- "Dante: Cafeteria Catholic" in Unruly Catholics from Dante to Madonna, ed. Marc Di Paolo. Lanham: Scarecrow / Rowen and Littlefield, 2013, pp. 1-16
- "Dante and the Frescoes at Santi Quatro Coronati," Speculum 87.1 (2012): 95-146 (with William A. Stephany).
- “Attica Educations: Dante in Exile,” PMLA 123 (2008): 697-701. Rpt. in Poetry and Criticism vol. 108. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale 2010, pp. 225-228.
- “‘Io non Eneä, io non Paolo sono’: Ulysses, Guido da Montefeltro, and Franciscan Traditions in the Commedia,” Dante Studies 123 (2005, pub. 2008): 23-69.
- Dante From Two Perspectives: The Sienese Connection, Bernardo Lecture Series 15 (Binghamton, N.Y.: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007) (with William R. Cook).
- “What Dante Learned from St. Francis,” in Dante and the Franciscans, ed. Santa Casciana (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2006), pp. 113-140 (with William R. Cook).
- “‘I speak not yet of proof’: Dante and the Art of Assisi,” in The Art of the Franciscans in Italy, ed. William R. Cook (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2005), pp. 189-209
- “Graduate Educations,” The Journal of Education 184 (2003): 23-35.
- “From Francis to Solomon: Eschatology in the Sun,” in Dante for the New Millenium, eds. Teodolina Barolini and Wayne Storey (New York: Fordham University Press, 2003), pp.320-333.
- “Humanites Educations,” The Journal of Education 183(2002): 81-89.
- “Medieval Outreach,” Medieval Academy of America News, November, 2001, p. 12.
- “Catholic Educations,” First Things, October 2000, pp. 39-45.
- The Dante Encyclopedia, ed. Richard Lansing (Garland, 2000), articles on: “Francis of Assisi,” “Clement V,” “Apocalypse” (with Richard K. Emmerson), “Revelation” (with Richard K. Emmerson), and “Prophecy”(with Richard K. Emmerson)
- “ ‘Visibile Parlare’: Dante's Purgatorio 10 and Luca Signorelli's San Brizio Frescoes,” Studies in Iconography 20 (1999):155-183.
- “The Book of the City of Ladies as Twice Told Tale,” in Retelling Tales, eds. Thomas Hahn and Alan Lupack (Boydell & Brewer, 1998), pp. 108‑125.
- “Confessions 7.9: What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem?” Journal of Education 179 (1997): 49‑60.
- “Squaring the Circle: Paradiso 33 and The Poetics of Geometry,” Traditio 49 (1994): 95‑125 (with Gary W. Towsley).
- “Dante and the Apocalypse,” in The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages, eds. R. K. Emmerson and Bernard McGinn. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. Pp. 398‑413. Rpt. in Dante: The Critical Complex, ed. Richard Lansing (New York and London: Routledge, 2003), vol. 5, pp. 402-417.
- “Jacopone da Todi: The Aesthetics of Imprisonment,” Franziskanische Studien 72 (1990): 248‑256 (with Weston L. Kennison).
- “The Bible and the Schools: Some Reflections,” in Better Schools, Better Lives: An Invitation to Dialogue. Boston: Boston University Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character, 1990. Pp. 21 ‑ 26.
- “The Canterbury Tales in Eschatological Perspective,” in The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages, ed. D. Verhelst et al (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1988): 404‑424 (with Richard K. Emmerson).
- “How to Write a Fellowship Proposal,” Humanities, Feb. 1987.
- “The Apocalyptic Age of Hypocrisy: Faus Semblant and Amant in the Roman de la Rose,” Speculum 62 (1987): 611‑634 (with Richard K. Emmerson).
- “Dante and Francis,” Franciscan Studies, 42 (1982; pub. 1986): 96‑114. Rpt. in Dante: The Critical Complex, ed. Richard Lansing (New York and London: Routledge, 2003). vol. 7, pp. 386-404.
- “Summer Seminar for Secondary School Teachers,” School‑College Collaborative Programs in English, ed. Ron Fortune, New York: Modern Language Association, 1986, pp. 92‑96.
- “The Friar's Tale: Chaucer, Dante, and the Translatio Studii,” ACTA 9 (1985), 1‑17.
- “‘Let Us Seek Him Also’: Tropological Judgment in Twelfth-Century Art and Drama,” in Homo, Memento Finis: The Iconography of Just Judgment in Medieval Art and Drama. Papers by David Bevington, Huston Diehl, Richard Kenneth Emmerson, Ronald Herzman, and Pamela Sheingorn. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, Early Drama, Art and Music Monograph Series 6, 1985, pp. 59-88.
- “Roland and Romanesque: Biblical Iconography in The Song of Roland,” The Arts, Society, and Literature, ed. Harry Garvin (Bucknell Review, vol. 29, Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1984), pp. 21‑48 (with William R. Cook).
- “From Chaucer to St. Francis,” Humanities 4(1983): 17‑18.
- “Dante In Attica,” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, 9(1982): 3‑8 (with William R. Cook).
- “The Reeve's Tale, Symkyn, and Simon the Magician,” The American Benedictine Review, 33 (1982): 325‑333.
- “Simon the Magician and the Medieval Tradition,” Journal of Magic History, 2 (1980): 28‑43 (with William R. Cook).
- “Antichrist, Simon Magus, and Dante's Inferno 19,” Traditio, 36 (1980): 373‑398 (with Richard K. Emmerson).
- “Cannibalism and Communion in Inferno XXXIII,” Dante Studies 98 (1980): 53‑77. Rpt. in Dante: The Critical Complex, ed. Richard Lansing (London: Routledge, 2003), vol. 7, Dante and Interpretation, pp. 175-200.
- “Inferno XXXIII: The Past and the Present in Dante's Imagery of Betrayal,” Italica 56 (1979): 377‑383 (with William R. Cook).
- “‘0 miseri seguaci’: Sacramental Inversion in Inferno XIX,” Dante Studies 96 (1978): 39‑65 (with William A. Stephany).
- “Bonaventure's Life of St. Francis and the Frescoes in the Church of San Francesco: A Study in Medieval Aesthetics,” Franziskanische Studien 59 (1977): 29‑37 (with William R. Cook).
- “Millstones: An Approach to The Miller's Tale and The Reeve's Tale,” The English Record, 18 (1977): 18‑21, 26.
- “St. Eustace: A Note on Inferno XXVII,” Dante Studies 94 (1976): 137‑139 (with William R. Cook).
- “Literature and Society in Chaucer's English: A Multidisciplinary Analysis,” Journal of English Teaching Techniques, 8(1976): 26‑35 (with William R. Cook).
- “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Chaucer's England: A Multidisciplinary Analysis,” Exercise Exchange, 18 (1974): 17‑20 (with William R. Cook).
- “The Paradox of Form: The Knight's Tale and Chaucerian Aesthetics,” Papers on Language and Literature, 10 (1974): 339‑352. Rpt. in Wege der Forschung: Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. Willi Erzgraber. Darmstadt: Wissensschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983, pp. 272‑287.
- “The Gateway of Art: Analogies as an Approach to Medieval Literature,” Exercise Exchange 17 (1973): 13‑17 (with M. Kay Nellis).
- “Stephen Spender: The Critic as Poet,” Notes on Contemporary Literature 3 (1973): 6‑7.
- “A Yeatsian Parallel in Richard Wilbur's ‘Merlin Enthralled,’” Notes on Contemporary Literature 1 (1972): 10‑11.
Audio Visual
- Literature of the Renaissance. Twelve Lecture Visual / Audio course as part of Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition, The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 2004.
- Augustine's Confessions. Twenty-four Lecture Visual / Audio course, The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 2004 (with William R. Cook).
- Dante’s Divine Comedy. Twenty-four Lecture Visual / Audio course. The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 2001(with William R. Cook).
- Discovering the Middle Ages. Twelve Lecture Visual Course, The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 2001 (with William R. Cook).
- Francis of Assisi. Twelve Lecture Visual / Audio Course. The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 2000 (with William R. Cook).
- Dante's Life and Times, Dante's Literary Antecedents. Two Visual/Audio Lectures, part of Great Authors of the Western Tradition. SuperStar Teachers. The Teaching Company, 1993 (with William R. Cook).
- Hell, Purgatory, Heaven: Dante's Divine Comedy. Eight Lecture Visual / Audio course for SuperStar Teachers / The Great Courses. The Teaching Company, 1993 (with William R. Cook).
- Canto per Canto: Conversations with Dante for Our Time: Inferno 27, with William A. Stephany; Inferno 33, with Weston L. Kennison; Purgatorio 21, with Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran Cruz; Paradiso 13, with Gary W. Towsley; Paradiso 14, with Hannah Schmidt (NYU Casa Italiana / You Tube, 2021).
- Dante’s Divine Comedy, “Dog with Torches” Podcast (You Tube)
- John Freccero, In Dante’s Wake: Readings from Medieval to Modern in the Augustinian Tradition, eds. Daniella Callegari and Melissa Swain, Speculum, 2017
- Dennis Looney, Freedom Readers:The African American Experience of Dante and the The Divine Comedy, Medievally Speaking, on line June 4, 2016.
- Nick Havely, Dante, Speculum, 2009
- Justin Steinberg, Accounting for Dante, Medievalia et Humanistica, 2007.
- Nick Havely, Dante and the Franciscans, Speculum, 2006.
- Eric Jager, The Book of the Heart, Speculum, 2003.
- John Scott, Dante's Political Purgatory, Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, 1996, on line.
- Robert Fossier, ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages: 1 350‑950, Studies in the Age of Chaucer (1993) .
- John Saly, Dante's Paradiso: The Flowering of the Self, Church History, 1993.
- Piero Boitani, The Tragic and The Sublime in Medieval Literature, Studies in the Age of Chaucer 13(1991): 165‑8.
- Robert Edwards, The Dreams of Chaucer, Envoi 2(1990): 307‑311.
- Antonio Crocco, ed., L'Eta dello Spirito e La Fine Dei Tempi in Gioacchino da Fiore e nel Gioachimismo Medievale: Atti del II Congresso Internationale di Studi Giochimiti, Speculum 65(1990): 642‑3.
- Jeffrey Tambling, Dante and Difference: Writing in the Commedia, Studies in the Age of Chaucer 11(1989): 327‑331.
- Penn Szittya, The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature, Envoi 1(1988): 176‑181.
- Patrick Diehl, The Medieval Religious Lyric: An Ars Poetica, Speculum 63(1988): 390‑1.
- Peter Dronke, Dante and Medieval Latin Traditions, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 9(1987): 209‑212.
- Joan M. Ferrante, The Political Vision of the Divine Comedy and Stewart Farnell, The Political Ideas of the Divine Comedy, Italica, 63(1986): 306‑310.
- V.A. Kolve, Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 7(1985): 212‑218 (with Richard K. Emmerson).
- A. Bartlett Giamatti, ed., Dante in America, The First Two Centuries, Speculum, 60(1985): 678‑9.
- John V. Fleming, From Bonaventure to Bellini: An Essay in Franciscan Exegesis, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 6(1984): 189‑192.
- Richard K. Emmerson, Antichrist in the Middle Ages, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 5(1983): 164‑166.
- Richard Kay, Dante's Swift and Strong, Modern Philology, 78(1980): 75‑78.
- Lincoln Cathedral Manuscript Library, Microform Review, 8(1979): 218‑220.
- Lars Lonroth, Njal's Saga: A Critical Introduction, Oral History Review 1976, pp. 75‑76.
Awards and Honors
- Dante, Eschatology, and the Christian Tradition: Essays in Honor of Ronald B. Herzman, eds. Lydia Yaitsky Kerz and Richard K. Emmerson. Medieval Institute Publications, 2023
- SUNY Geneseo, Faculty Career Achievement Award, August, 2017 (First Recipient).
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Seminars for School Teachers, Director: Dante's Commedia, Siena and Assisi Italy, Summer 1988; SUNY Geneseo, Summer 1989.
- Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, SUNY Geneseo, Summer 1990, Summer 1991, Summer 1993. Dante's Commedia: St. John's College, Santa Fe, Summer 1996, 1998. Co-Director, "Dante’s Commedia": Siena Italy, Summer 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 (with William Stephany).
- Commencement Speaker, SUNY Geneseo, May 2013
- Art Hatton Award for Excellence in College Advancement, 2012.
- Who's Who in America, 2011.
- Geneseo Alumni Association, Honorary Membership, 2011.
- Phi Beta Kappa, Foundation Member, SUNY Geneseo, 2004
- Medieval Academy of America: CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching Medieval Studies, 2003 (First Recipient).
- Spencer J. Roemer Fellowship, Summer 1994.
- Commencement Speaker, Groveland Correctional Facility, 1993.
- Commencement Speaker, SUNY Geneseo, 1992.
- L.H.D. honoris causa, Manhattan College, 1991.
- New York State/United University Professions Excellence Award, 1990.
- State University of New York: Appointed Faculty Exchange Scholar, 1981‑
- Commencement Speaker, Attica Correctional Facility, 1980 (with William R. Cook).
- National Endowment for the Humanities: Residential Fellow, University of Chicago, 1978‑1979.
- Member, National Humanities Faculty: 1978‑
- State University of New York: Research Grants 1976, 1979, 1981.
- State University of New York: Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1976.
- National Endowment for the Humanities: Summer Seminar, Princeton University 1973.