Employee Training & Development

Training Program Links

Annual Employee Compliance Training

Annual Employee Compliance Training Program

Federal regulations, state laws, and campus policies mandate that all employees complete mandatory in-person or online compliance training on various essential topics. These topics include Ethics, Security Awareness, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Title VI, Workplace and Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Title IX, and more. 


Employees will have the full academic year (September - May) to complete the majority of training courses.  You can complete the courses based on the needs of your own schedules, with a few exceptions (see Annual Compliance Training Matrix).


There are a few training courses that must be completed in person, which are the Comprehensive Ethics Training (must be completed in person every other year) and the ODE/Title IX course. Employees may register for a live Comprehensive Ethics Training here. This program must be completed by no later than December 31, 2024.

The live Title IX training is being scheduled by the department in coordination with the TItle IX  Office.


Accessing the Trainings

  • The training is available online and can be completed at your convenience through the Biz Library Learning Management Platform.
  • Security Awareness Training is available through the KnowBe4 Platform. Log in to the Platform for Security Awareness Training to complete the Security Awareness Training. For any issues accessing the Security Awareness Training, please send information to CIT using this link
  • The NYS Ethics course must be completed live this year by no later than December 31, 2024.  A registration form, with a listing of available webinars and in-person sessions, can also be accessed on the Annual Compliance Training page.

New Dedicated Training Days:

We will provide at least two time frames during the academic year designated as “Training Days” that are pre-scheduled time periods dedicated to employees completing their annual training modules and/or other forms of professional development.  The primary expectation and work assignments for employees during these time periods will be to complete the online training modules.  Large departments can break their staff into groups and assign the training in sections, so operations may continue. This year, training days will be designated on October 15, 2024 (mid semester break) and a date in January 2025, yet to be determined. South Hall Lab 345, a computer training room, is available on October 15th, for staff who do not have a standard office location or computer available.  Assistance will be provided during the day to help with technical needs. More information for the October 15th training day will be available soon.


Thank you for your support and cooperation for ensuring our campus compliance training program completion is a success.  Please direct questions to Human Resources at hr@geneseo.edu. 

Mandatory Ethics Training & Information

Employees must complete The Comprehensive Ethics Training  in person every other year. Employees should register for a live Comprehensive Ethics Training using this Google Form. 

This program must be completed by no later than December 31, 2024.

Ethics in NYS Government

Mandatory Title IX Training - Office of Diversity & Equity

As of October 2018, NYS passed a law mandating all employers to provide written policy and sexual harassment training annually to all employees. One of the statutory requirements of the training is for it be interactive. 

Departments can complete this Google Form for ODE to come and attend a department meeting to provide this mandatory training to your faculty and staff. 

Training for 2024 should be completed no later than October 18, 2024 if possible.

Mandatory Employee Title VI Training

SUNY Geneseo continues to work to ensure a safe and inclusive climate on our campus, promoting a sense of belonging and respect for all campus members. SUNY is also striving to advance our shared goal of protecting students, faculty, and staff from discrimination and harassment through robust implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  

Chancellor John B. King, Jr. has announced that beginning this fall, every faculty and staff member is required to complete Title VI training. This training reiterates that Title VI specifically applies to antisemitism and Islamophobia and underscores the need for campuses to prevent, investigate, and respond to allegations of discrimination.

All faculty and staff are required to complete the online training by no later than September 30.

The training is available on our campus learning and development platform, BizLibrary. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and it includes an end-of-course assessment. Please be sure to allow for pop-up windows and keep those windows open for the length of the entire training. This will ensure you are marked complete. Assistance with pop up windows can be viewed on this CIT page.

Employees will receive a notification from BizLibrary indicating the training has been assigned. It will be available on your homepage upon login. Managers will be kept apprised of completion rates within their respective departments.

Thank you for your support in meeting these important goals and deadlines. You may direct questions about the Biz Library training platform to sharris@geneseo.edu.

Annual Security Awareness & Training - CIT (KnowB4)

Security Awareness & Training Policy

Geneseo Leadership Journey Program - Lean Into Your Future

The Geneseo Leadership Journey - Lean Into Your Future is an experience specifically designed for our higher education professionals to provide an opportunity to focus on leadership skills and competencies needed for leading the future at SUNY Geneseo. This program includes several in-person learning modules coupled with assignments, small group coaching sessions, self-directed learning activities, and small group projects.

Linked-in Leadership Development Certificate

The Leadership Development Certificate program has been designed with three separate and distinct areas of specialty in which to pursue a certificate: Leadership Overview, People-Centered Leadership, and Business-Centered Leadership. 

NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training

There are a number of resources available to CSEA-represented employees including:

CSEA also has Civil Service Test Preparation and Job Information resources available. 

CIT Self-Help Guides

CIT has developed a number of self-help guides to assist users in getting started with CIT services and supported applications.

Microsoft Office Tutorials

There are fast and easy to follow online training videos that will help solve common Microsoft problems. They are available to you from any computer with an internet connection at any time of day or night - when it is convenienct for you. 

Click on the software product to explore the tutorials:

Tuition Waivers

Search Committee Training

New to serving on a search committee? Interested in learning more? Check out our search committee training video available on BizLibrary!