College Council Meeting Minutes: December 9, 2022


Tower Room, Doty Hall

December 9, 2022



PRESENT:      Iris Banister
                        Melisza Campos
                        Gidget Hopf
                        Judith Hunter
                        Christian Valentino
                        Robert Wayland-Smith, Chair
                        Jill Yonkers                                                                  

STAFF:           Denise Battles, President
                        Julie Buehler, Vice President for Finance and Administration
                        Joe Cope, Interim Provost
                        Kerri Howell, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer                     
                        Wendi Kinney, Chief of Staff

                        Ellen Leverich, Vice President for College Advancement
                        Christie Reed, Administrative Assistant to the President

                        robbie routenberg, Chief Diversity Officer
                        Amy Sheldon, College Senate Chair

                        Costas Solomou, Vice President for Enrollment Management (via zoom)
                        Michael Taberski, Vice President for Student and Campus Life        

GUESTS:        Mary Ellen Zuckerman, Dean, School of Business
                        Melanie Medeiros, Director, Center for Integrative Learning
                        Peighton Cervoni ’23

                        Lauren Goulet ’23
                        Chizoba Okorie ’23


Chair Wayland-Smith called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.

Chair welcomed everyone via zoom.

The minutes of the October 28, 2022 meeting were approved.


New Academic Program Development

Joe Cope, Interim Provost & VP for Academic Affairs
Mary Ellen Zuckerman, Dean, School of Business
Melanie Medeiros, Director, Center for Integrative Learning
Peighton Cervoni ’23

Lauren Goulet ’22
Chizoba Okorie ’23

Cope provided context to understand academic program development at Geneseo in the recent past five years. He further provided examples of programs launched during that time, initiatives in the pipeline, and new avenues offered via microcredentials. Cope also gave an overview of the approval process for new academic programs.

Dean Zuckerman describe new programs launched in the School of Business which include majors, minors, and a MS in Accounting. Zuckerman discussed the rationale that is used as a basis for rolling out new offerings. Consideration is given to market demand, existing student demand, and prospective student demand. Other considerations that impact program development include staffing levels (both in number and qualification), AACSB accreditation requirements, physical space, and staff time to move the program through the approval process.

Medeiros gave an overview of the interdisciplinary major in sociomedical sciences. She shared how the design thinking approach was central to the development of this new program, asking the question: “How might we…?” The sociomedical sciences program appeals to… and the curriculum gives students a strong foundation in medical anthropology and medical sociology, biology, and statistics. There is a capstone integrative and applied learning experience. The curriculum continues to be evaluated and revised.

Medeiros engaged Council members in a design challenge activity.

Okorie is an international relations and sociomedical sciences major. She shared her experience completing a virtual study abroad and research in Uganda, studying early girl child marriage. For her capstone she designed and conducted a study of acculturation, mental health, and resilience among international students in the US.

Goulet is a sustainability studies major. Campus Sustainability Leadership provided an avenue for her integrative and applied learning experience. As a result of her Geneseo experience, Goulet has engaged in campus and community leadership roles, was awarded an ambassadorship, and is working to establish a fellowship for recently graduated alumni.

Cervoni is a sociomedical sciences major with a minor in biology. She shared her experience studying the US-Mexico borderlands through a study away course. Her capstone research focused on occupational dysphonia in educators. Her goal is to change teacher’s preparatory education to include vocal hygiene awareness.

The presenters entertained Q&A from College Council. 


Sheldon provided a Senate update. A constitutional amendment passed related to greater opportunities for professional faculty (staff) to serve in leadership roles. Senate approved the new learning outcomes for the GLOBE curriculum and has endorsed all six recommendations from the Think Tank on Faculty Evaluation. The executive committee has appointed an ad hoc committee to look at changes to the constitution related to faculty evaluation to codify the recommendations of the Think Tank. The senate has been active in participating in the finalist interviews of the candidates for Provost. Upcoming: student affairs committee will review the outcomes of the campus climate survey; approval of the first set of tagged courses from the GLOBE committee; learn more about the concerns of the professional faculty; create a mechanism to learn about the experiences of our BIPOC faculty/staff.

Sheldon entertained questions from College Council.


President Battles shared a variety of institutional updates.

Strategic planning

The President updated College Council on the work of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG). The SPG has identified four goals aligned with the Equity-Minded Honors College vision: Access, Student Experience, Outcomes, and Infrastructure and Financial Sustainability. The SPG, in partnership with the Budget Priorities Committee, is developing action steps to support desired outcomes. It is the college’s aim to announce the final plan in January 2023.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Geneseo held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the LGBTQ+ Lounge and launched the Lavender House Living-Learning Community. With sponsorship by Summit Federal Credit Union, Geneseo hosted a first-gen student brunch on National First-Generation College Student Day, November 8th.

Financial Health and Sustainability

Key updates were provided. Equity-Minded Honors College advocacy continues. Indications are that we are once again a top participant in the NYS Charitable Tax Credit Program through the SUNY Impact Foundation. Dr. Joanna Santos-Smith ’14, ’15 MS, has been hired as our Project Director for Revenue Generation.

Admissions Initiatives

An overview of recent admissions initiatives was offered. Early Action has resulted in an increase in applications. More than 2,200 prospective students have visited campus since May 2022. Our spring yield events for admitted students include six on-campus events, four regional events, and virtual programming.

Provost Search

Geneseo has hosted several on-campus finalists. The search committee is reviewing and synthesizing feedback from interview participants. The aim is to announce the successful candidate in early 2023 with a summer 2023 start date.


Battles highlighted a few of the many recent faculty, staff, student, and alumni achievements, awards, and recognitions.

The President entertained Q&A from College Council.


The Chair reminded Council members that there is a new form through which they can make recommendations for presentation topics. As a result of input from Council members, the annual assessment process will continue. The survey will be distributed at the first spring semester meeting and will be shared and discussed at the second spring semester meeting.


Council members reviewed proposed amendments to the Student Code of Conduct and Campus Administrative Rules for Students.

Discussion was held.

The motion to approve the Student Code of Conduct as amended passed.

The motion to approve the Campus Administrative Rules for Students as amended passed

The meeting adjourned at 3:23 p.m.

Denise A. Battles                                                                                Wendi Kinney

President                                                                                             Recording Secretary