GLOBE Committee

The GLOBE Committee is the successor to Geneseo's General Education committee, constituted by the College Senate on March 29, 2022. 

The Learning Outcomes for the GLOBE curriculum were developed by the GLOBE committee and presented to the College Senate in fall of 2022 and spring 2023.  These learning outcomes are the basis for the Assessment Plan for the GLOBE curriculum.

In other to carry out its functions as prescribed in the Constitution, the GLOBE committee has adopted  a number of procedures.

Meeting Minutes & Helpful Materials

GLOBE (and subcommittees) minutes will be shared to the GLOBE SharePoint page, accessible to all Geneseo faculty and staff. Updates to current policies/procedures and helpful resources for course submissions will also be shared on this page.

Current Membership

The membership of the GLOBE committee is specified in section 6 of Article III of the Constitution

Role Member Department Term
Chair Claire Gravelin Psychology 24-26
FineArts Johnnie Ferrell Theatre 21-23, 23-25
Humn Lori Bernard Global Languages and Cultures 21-23, 23-25
NatSci Josephine Reinhardt Biology 22-24, 24-26
SocSci Jim Aimers Anthropology 21-23, 23-25
Prof Christine Green Education 24-26
Humn Amanda Roth Philosophy 22-24, 24-26
NatSci Sedar Ngoma Mathematics 23-25
SocSci Jason Ozubko Psychology 24-26
Prof Elizabeth Felski School of Business 23-25
Student and Campus Life Nicholas Palumbo Dean of Students - Leadership & Service  
Student (AAC) Samantha Canter   24-25
Student (appointed) Lucas Pastwik   24-25
Prof Staff Melanie Blood Provost Office  
Institutional Research Mariann George IR  
Student Success Meg Reitz (FA24) | Alex Rouse (SP25) Office of Advising  

Past Membership

During Fall 2022, David Robertson of the geography department served as a sabbatical replacement.

Doug Baldwin, Lei Gao (22-23)  Kurt Fletcher (Chair, 22- 24), Susan Salmon (22-24)

Membership of the Integrative and Applied Learning Subcommittee

Josephine Reinhardt (Chair), Jim Aimers, Johnnie Ferrell, Meg Reitz, Nick Palumbo, Melanie Medeiros (24-26), Dave Parfitt (24-26), Jessie Stack Lombardo (24-26), Emily McCrossen (24-26)


Contact GLOBE: Questions about GLOBE can be directed to