Department Contacts

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Music & Musical Theatre
Brodie Hall 101
(585) 245-5563
Faculty and Staff

Instructor of Cello and Double Bass

Associate Provost for Assessment & Curriculum and Professor of English & Music
Erwin 205
(585) 245-5531

Lecturer of Voice
Brodie Hall 109
(631) 793-4545 (mobile)

Distinguished Service Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities
Brodie Hall 121
(585) 245-5250

Lecturer of Music and Conductor of String Band
Brodie 126

Assistant Professor of Stage Direction Musical Theatre and Theatre
Brodie Hall 242

Coordinator of Instrumental Activities, Conductor of Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra
Brodie 125
(585) 245-6056

Instructor of Low Brass

Instructor of Flute

Percussion Instructor and Conductor of Percussion Ensemble
Brodie 110