Certificate Programs in Music

The Music Program at Geneseo offers a number of certificate programs (SUNY ICMs). Certificate programs consist of a cluster of 3-4 courses that focus on the development of practical and professional skills and applied learning, leading to a final project. Certificate programs are ideal for professionals who are looking to explore alternative career paths or for music professionals, including music educators, wishing to enhance existing skills.  You can read more about SUNY ICMs here

In addition, all certificates may be earned en route to a minor, major, or may be combined to create a unique music major. For information on "stacking" certificates to complete a music major or minor, see below. The department offers the following certificate programs in music:

Harmony & Composition
  • MUSC 189 Elements of Music Theory
  • MUSC 256 Elements of Diatonic Harmony and Polyphony
  • MUSC 356 Contemporary Harmony
  • MUSC 357 Counterpoint for Composition
Composition Diploma*
  • MUSC 102 Introduction to Music Technology
  • MUSC 259 Elements of Accompaniment and Figured Bass
  • MUSC 317 Orchestration
  • MUSC 356 Contemporary Harmony or MUSC 357 Counterpoint
  • MUSC 439 Portfolio Review
  • and one from:
    • MUSC 302 Recording and Production
    • MUSC 303 Film and Game Scoring
    • MUSC 456 Composition 

(*restricted to music majors only. To complete the composition diploma, students first complete the certificate in Harmony & Composition and then complete the additional coursework for the diploma. Non-majors interested in composition study should complete the composition minor)

Suzuki Violin Pedagogy
  • MUSC 144 Applied Violin Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 244 Applied Violin Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 362 Suzuki Seminar I 
  • MUSC 362 Suzuki Seminar II
  • MUSC 399 Directed Study Suzuki Practicum
Music Business, Recording, & Production
  • MUSC 102 Elements of Music Technology 
  • MUSC 202 Introduction to Music Business
  • MUSC 302 Recording and Production I
  • MUSC 303 Film and Game scoring or MUSC 304 Recording and Production II

A "Stackable" Curriculum

Certificates may be earned en route to a minor, major, or may be combined to create a unique major. The path from certificate to a minor (or major) can happen in a couple of different ways. First, a certificate may be combined with four courses in music foundations to create a minor. Completing an additional four upper division courses in music would then lead to the BA degree. In terms of credit requirements, then, with the completion of every group of four courses, or 12 credits, students move from certificate, to minor, to BA degree.

Stack I: Certificate, Minor, Major

Four courses grouped in a single area of study; 12 credits


Four additional courses in music foundations (12 additional credits); 21-24 credits total.


Four additional courses in specialized study (12 additional credits); 36 credits total.


Alternatively, the Music BA may be approached through stacking multiple certificates. Here, two certificates can be combined with four, standard methods courses to complete the Music BA. 

Stack 2: Bundling Multiple Certificates

Four courses grouped in a single area of study; 12 credits


A second set of four courses grouped in a single area of study; 12 credits


Four additional courses in methods and specialized study (12 additional credits); 36 credits total.


Each menu lists the requirements for one of the five certificates and how to stack it, leading to the corresponding minor and the Music BA. Students interested in completing multiple certificates within the BA will general declare a "hitec-elective" track and should consult their advisor or the department chair for course selection. 

For the Harmony & Composition certificate, complete the following 10 cr:
  • MUSC 189 Elements of Music Theory
  • MUSC 256 Elements of Diatonic Harmony and Polyphony
  • MUSC 356 Contemporary Harmony
  • MUSC 357 Counterpoint for Composition
For the Composition minor, complete in addition, the following 14cr:
  • MUSC 102    Introduction to Music Technology
  • MUSC HIST One course in the Elements of Musicology
    • MUSC 217   Jazz in America
    • MUSC 226  History of Western Music I
    • MUSC 227  History of Western Music II
    • MUSC 231   Introduction to Ethnomusicology
    • MUSC 232  American Music 
  • MUSC 302   Film and Game Scoring
  • MUSC 317    Orchestration
  • MUSC 327   Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
For the Composition Diploma (Music BA), complete in addition, the following 12cr:
  • MUSC HIST One additional course in the elements of musicology from the above list
  • MUSC 315 Music Analysis 
  • MUSC 327 Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
  • MUSC  Elective (3 credits)
Violin Pedagogy 
For the Suzuki Violin Pedagogy certificate, complete the following 9 cr:
  • MUSC 144 Applied Violin Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 244 Applied Violin Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 362 Suzuki Seminar I 
  • MUSC 362 Suzuki Seminar II
  • MUSC 399 Directed Study Suzuki Practicum
For the Violin Pedagogy minor, complete in addition, the following 12cr in foundations and methods:
  • MUSC 189   Elements of Music Theory
  • MUSC 256   Elements of Diatonic Harmony
  • MUSC HIST One course in the Elements of Musicology selected from
    • MUSC 217   Jazz in America
    • MUSC 226  History of Western Music I
    • MUSC 227  History of Western Music II
    • MUSC 231   Introduction to Ethnomusicology
    • MUSC 232  American Music 
  • MUSC 327 Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
For the Music BA with Violin Pedagogy Certificate, complete in addition, the following 15cr:
  • MUSC HIST One additional course in the elements of musicology from the above list
  • MUSC 315 Music Analysis 
  • MUSC 327 Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
  • MUSC 344 Applied Violin Study (2 semesters)*
  • MUSC 363 String Repertory*
  • MUSC  Electives (3 credits at the 300 level)

*these electives may be replaced to complete an additional certificate under the open elective track

Piano Pedagogy
For the Piano Pedagogy certificate, complete the following 12 cr:
  • MUSC 240  Applied Piano Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 259  Elements of Accompaniment and Figured Bass
  • MUSC 340  Applied Piano Study (2 semesters)
  • MUSC 375  Piano Pedagogy
  • MUSC 376  Piano Teaching Practicum
  • MUSC 399  Directed Study Applied Pedagogy Project
For the Piano Pedagogy minor, complete in addition, the following 12cr in foundations and methods:
  • MUSC 189    Elements of Music Theory
  • MUSC 256    Elements of Diatonic Harmony
  • MUSC HIST  One course in the Elements of Musicology 
    • MUSC 217  Jazz in America
    • MUSC 226  History of Western Music I
    • MUSC 227  History of Western Music II
    • MUSC 231   Introduction to Ethnomusicology
    • MUSC 232  American Music 
  • MUSC 327   Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
For the Music BA with Piano Pedagogy Certificate, complete in addition, the following 12cr:
  • MUSC HIST One additional course in the elements of musicology from the above list
  • MUSC 315  Music Analysis 
  • MUSC 327 Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
  • MUSC  Electives (3 credits at the 300 level)
Music Business, Recording, and Production (BPM)
For the BPM certificate, complete the following 12 cr:
  • MUSC 102 Elements of Music Technology 
  • MUSC 202 Introduction to Music Business
  • MUSC 302 Recording and Production I
  • MUSC 303 Film and Game scoring or MUSC 304 Recording and Production II
For the BPM minor, complete in addition, the following 12cr:
  • MUSC 189    Elements of Music Theory
  • MUSC 256   Elements of Diatonic Harmony
  • MUSC HIST  One course in the Elements of Music History selected from:
    • MUSC 217 Jazz in America
    • MUSC 226 History of Western Music I
    • MUSC 227 History of Western Music II
    • MUSC 231  Introduction to Ethnomusicology
    • MUSC 232  American Music 
  • MUSC 327  Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
For the Music BA, BPM track, complete in addition, the following 13-15 cr:
  • MUSC 303 Film and Game scoring or MUSC 304 Recording and Production II*
  • MUSC 315 Music Analysis 
  • MUSC 327 Thinking through Music or MUSC 33x Seminar in Musicology
  • MUSC 399 Recording and Production Internship (1-3 cr)*
  • BUSN related requirement

*these electives may be replaced to complete an additional certificate under the open elective track