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Past Class Gifts
Class of 1987
Gift to Geneseo: Geneseo signs at the Bank St. entrance and in front of Erwin Hall.
Class of 1988
Gift to Geneseo: Informational kiosk in front of the MacVittie College Union.
Class of 1989
Gift to Geneseo: The "Valley, Village, College" exhibit displayed in Newton Hall.
Class of 1990
Gift to Geneseo: Permanent outdoor patio furniture located at gazebo and one $500 scholarship.
Class of 1991
Gift to Geneseo: New trees and shrubs in front of Sturges Hall to replace those damaged in the ice storm, permanent outdoor furniture in the Sturges Quad, and one $500 scholarship.
Class of 1992
Gift to Geneseo: $500 for new trees in the Roemer Arboretum, $500 gift to the library, one $500 scholarship and funding towards the construction of a Memorial Terrace in the Erwin Quad.
Class of 1993
Gift to Geneseo: Fulfilled its commitment to the Class of 1992 to jointly sponsor the construction of the Memorial Terrace, $1,000 the library acquisitions, five $500 scholarships and $500 for new trees in the Roemer Arboretum.
Class of 1994
Gift to Geneseo: Multi-media workstation for the library, new Carillon bells for the Sturges clock tower, five $500 scholarships and $500 for new trees in the Roemer Arboretum.
Class of 1995
Gift to Geneseo: Computer CD tower for the library, computerized informational kiosk, five $500 scholarships and $500 for new trees in the Roemer Arboretum.
Class of 1996
Gift to Geneseo: Permanent outdoor art sculpture to be placed in front of Milne Library. $500 for library acquisitions and four $500 scholarships.
Class of 1997
Gift to Geneseo: New lounge furniture for the College Union, five $500 scholarships, a color printer for South Hall and trees for Roemer Arboretum.
Class of 1998
Gift to Geneseo: Creation of a lounge/group meeting space in Milne Library, a wooden Geneseo sign at the 390 ramp, $5,000 in student scholarships and $500 in upgrades for the Sturges carillon.
Class of 1999
Gift to Geneseo: New campus map located at visitors circle, glass trophy case in Union and $3,000 in scholarships.
Class of 2000
Amount Raised: $18,300
Gift to Geneseo: Main entrance sign for the Visitors Circle, $3,500 in scholarships.
Class of 2001
Gift to Geneseo: Comfortable lounge furniture in Milne Library, $1000 for new trees in Roemer Arboretum, eight $500 scholarships, two for each class year.
Class of 2002
Gift to Geneseo: An Alumni memorial in honor of the four Geneseo alumni who died on September 11th, located in the Roemer Arboretum, a remembrance tree planted in the Roemer Aroboretum in memory of Dr. Greg Sanders, a new lecturn for Wadsworth Auditorium, and eight $500 scholarships, two for each class year.
Class of 2003
Gift to Geneseo: An outdoor seating area to be established in the Sturges quad for students and faculty to relax and socialize, and six student scholarships.
Class of 2004
Gift to Geneseo: Assisted in renovations to Union Patio and four $250 student scholarships.
Class of 2005
Gift to Geneseo: Replaced the missing statue of Minerva, supported a new seating area in the library and five $250 student scholarships.
Class of 2006
Amount Raised: $1,447
Gift to Geneseo: A 54ft pendulum to be installed in the Atrium of the Integrated Science Facility and five $250 student scholarships.
Class of 2007
Amount Raised: $1,919
Gift to Geneseo: Four scholarships to freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
Class of 2008
Amount Raised: $1,010
Gift to Geneseo: Aided in the funding for the reconstruction of the Union patio and one scholarship.
Class of 2009
Amount Raised: $2,216
Gift to Geneseo: The Fund for Geneseo.
Class of 2010
Amount Raised: $5,300
Gift to Geneseo: Make Your Mark Campaign individualized gifts
Class of 2011
Amount Raised: $3,921
Gift to Geneseo: Make Your Mark Campaign individualized gifts
Class of 2012
Amount Raised: $3,651
Gift to Geneseo: Make Your Mark Campaign individualized gifts
Class of 2013
Amount Raised: $7,374
Gift to Geneseo: Make Your Mark Campaign individualized gifts
Class of 2014
Amount Raised: $7,432
Gift to Geneseo: Make Your Mark Campaign individualized gifts