Ling Ma

Assistant Professor
Doty Hall 242

Dr. Ling Ma is a social and cultural historian of late imperial and modern China. She received her B.A. and M.A. in history from Peking University and her PhD from the University at Buffalo. Her research focuses on reproductive health, clinical practice, everyday life, as well as gender, law, and petty crimes in late nineteenth- and early 20th-century China.

She is completing a book manuscript tentatively titled Mortal Labor: Abortion, Childbirth, and Everyday Crisis in Early Twentieth-Century China. Her book focuses on a diverse set of rank-and-file players of varying nationalities, upbringings, occupations, and genders, who found themselves in the eclectic medical, legal, and cultural environment of late Qing and Republican China. It examines the ways in which these historical actors interacted with each other, negotiated their public/professional and personal lives, and addressed their reproductive needs, aspirations, crises through actions, words, and emotions.

Office Hours, Spring 2023

T/TH 12:30-1:30, and by appointment.

Curriculum Vitae


  • PhD, University at Buffalo

  • MA, Peking University

  • BA, Peking University

Scholarly Activities

  • Monograph in Preparation

    Mortal Labor: Abortion, Childbirth, and Everyday Crisis in Early Twentieth-Century China.

    Select Research Publications
    Select Book Reviews
    • Review of The Suicide of Miss Xi: Democracy and Disenchantment in the Chinese Republic, by Bryna Goodman, Twentieth-Century China, 47, no. 2 (May 2022)
    • Review of Reinventing Licentiousness: Pornography and Modern China, by Y. Yvon Wang, Choice, 59, no. 3 (November 2021)
    Recent Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
    • Panelist for “Standing Together: Patterns of Resistance in China and Iran: Celebrating March 8th—International Women’s Day,” RIT Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program Speaker Series, Rochester Institute of Technology, March 2023.
    • “Mortal Feelings: Fetal and Infantile Deaths as Experience and Memory in Republican China,” paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference, February, 2023.
    • “Men, Masculinity, and Childbirth in Late Qing and Republican China,” lecture for the Cornell Contemporary China Initiative “Engendering China” Lecture Series, Ithaca, New York, February, 2023.
    • “Rediscovering Abortion by Turning Away from It: Researching Abortion in Early Twentieth-Century China,” lecture for the “Globalizing Roe” Speaker Series, organized by the Willson Center, the Gender & History Workshop in the History Department, and the Institute for Women’s Studies at the University of Georgia, November 2022.

Signature Courses

  • History Matters: Women and Gender in East Asian History (HIST 112)
    History of Modern East Asia (HIST 282)
    The Art of Saying No: Dissent in Chinese History and Culture (HIST 284)
    Interpretations in History: Treaty-Port Shanghai (HIST 301)
    Modern China (HIST 476)
    Race, Class, and Gender (WGST 310)
    History of Unpopular Ideas (INTD 105)

Research Interests

    • Modern China
    • Women, Gender, and Reproduction
    • Law, Medicine, and Crime
    • Material Culture and Everyday Life
    • Death and Dying
    • Masculinity and the History of Emotions


  • HIST 284: Topic: Art of Saying No

    A broad study of a particular topic in Latin America/Caribbean/Asia/Africa/Native American (LACAANA) history or global/world histories. Topics could be defined either by time, theme, or space or on a comparative topic, depending on the professor’s expertise. Previous courses have included histories of global sexology, early India, African nationalism, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and science, among others.

  • HIST 476: Modern China

    This course examines the momentous changes in modern China from 1911 to the present. It covers major historical events such as the 1911 Revolution, the 1949 Communist Revolution, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and Deng Xiaping’s reforms in the 1980s and 1990s. Based on first person accounts and specialized studies, this course calls attention to the multiple factors--historical, cultural, social, and economic--that have shaped contemporary China.