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Donate to the Department of Global Languages and Cultures
Your donation to the Department of Global Languages and Cultures helps us maintain the high quality of our program by funding our departmental awards, speakers, research, and events such as Hispanic Heritage Month and National French Week, and activities at our Center of Languages and Cultures (CLC).
We thank you for your support!
Please donate using one of these ways:
- Through our department's Fundraising page HERE or
- Through https://app. or - Complete the Geneseo Foundation's Online Donation Form. Choose "Other Designations" and select "Languages and Literatures." or
- Make out a check payable to "The Geneseo Foundation-Department of Global Languages and Cultures" and mail it to:
The Geneseo Foundation
Doty Hall 236, SUNY Geneseo
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY, 14454