Lori Bernard

Associate Professor of Spanish
Welles 206A

Lori Bernard has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2007

Lori Bernard

Office Hours: SPRING 2025

  • Tuesdays: 9:30am-10:30am 
  • Thursdays: 9:30am-10:30am 

    Also by appointment (email me to set up a time)

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph. D., Spanish Literature, University of California-Davis 2002.

  • M.A., Spanish Literature and Culture, Cleveland State University, 1995.


  • The Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry

  • Modern Language Association

  • Renaissance Society of America


  • Article: 2008, "Manuscritos de poesias varias: hacia una revision del canon." Canones criticos en la poesia de los Siglos de Oro. Ed. Pedro Ruiz Perez. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo. 129-136.

  • Article: 2005, "'Yo naci libre...': expresiones de la librertad femenina en algunos manuscritos del siglo XVI y en el Quijote." 1605-2005: Don Quixote Across the Centuries. Actas del Congreso celebrado en el College of Wooster (Ohio, EE.UU) del 7 al 9 de abril de 2005. Coord. John P. Gabriele. Madrid: Iberoamericana. 133-143.

  • Article: 1988, " 'Sobre las ocho cabezas': nuevas aportaciones textuales al Romancero de los Infantes de Lara." La Corónica 27.1: 69-80.

  • Review: 2005, Rev. of Writing for the Eyes on the Spanish Golden Age, ed. F.A. de Armas. Renaissance Quarterly 58.3.

  • Review: 2005, Rev. of Writers on the Market: Consuming Literature in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain, by D. Gilbert-Santamaria. Renaissance Quarterly 59.1: 171-172

More About Me

Research Interests

  • Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, Culture and History
  • Popular and Traditional Poetry
  • Early Forms of Drama and Theater

Other Interests

  • Traveling
  • Reading
  • Skiing
  • Crossword puzzles


  • SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish II

    Communication-based language course. Continuation of the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Intensive practice of real-world communication and cultural knowledge.

  • SPAN 307: Top:Lit & Cultural Productions

    This course explores literary and cultural topics in the Spanish-speaking world.

  • SPAN 401: Adv Oral&Written Communication

    This course enables students to fine-tune their oral and written skills in preparation for the department's exit writing examination as well as the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Both exams are embedded into the course. This course must be taken in residence.