Savi Iyer

Professor and Chair
ISC 234A

Savi Iyer has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1993. She has taught a wide variety of courses in physics. Her areas of research interest include general relativity, geometric methods, strong gravity, and gravitational lensing. 

Click here for Dr. Iyer's Teaching Schedule History


Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Physics (General Relativity); University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1993
    M.S., Physics; Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 1989
    M.Sc., Physics; Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 1986
    B.Sc., Physics (3-yr); Meenakshi College, University of Madras, India, 1984


  • A. B. Congdon, S. V. Iyer, C. R. Keeton, "Asymmetric Light Bending in the Equatorial Kerr Metric," (2022). arXiv:2207.08987 [gr-qc]
    S. V. Iyer, "Frame-dragging induced asymmetry in the bending of light near a Kerr black hole," (2018). arXiv:1808.06630v1 [gr-qc]
    S. V. Iyer and E. C. Hansen, “Strong and Weak Deflection of Light in the Equatorial Plane of a Kerr Black Hole,” (2009). arXiv:0908.0085v1 [gr-qc]
    S. V. Iyer and E. C. Hansen, “Light’s Bending Angle in the Equatorial Plane of a Kerr Black Hole,” Phys. Rev. D, 80, 124023 (2009). arXiv:0907.5352v1 [gr-qc]
    S. V. Iyer and A. O. Petters, “Light’s Bending Angle due to Black Holes: From the Photon Sphere to Infinity,” General Relativity and Gravitation, 39, 1563-1582 (2007). (gr-qc/0611086)
    K. A. Fletcher, S. V. Iyer and K. F. Kinsey “Some Pivotal Thoughts on the Current Balance,” The Physics Teacher, 41, 280-284 (2003).
    S. V. Iyer and S. G. Rajeev, “A Model of Two-dimensional Turbulence Using Random Matrix Theory,” Modern Physics Letters, A17, 23, 1539-1550 (2002). arXiv:physics/0206083
    S. V. Iyer, E. T. Newman and C. N. Kozameh, "The Vacuum Einstein Equations via Holonomy around Closed Loops on Characteristic Surfaces," Journal of Geometry and Physics, 19, 151- 172 (1996). gr-qc/9502020
    E. T. Newman, C. N. Kozameh and S. V. Iyer, "Einstein Equations via Null Surfaces," Acta Physica Polonica A, 85, 647-654 (1994).
    C. N. Kozameh, E. T. Newman and S. V. Iyer, "Non-local Equations for General Relativity," Journal of Geometry and Physics, 8, 195-209 (1992). (Preprint PDF)

Employment History

  • 2022-2025: Dr. Spencer J. Roemer Supporter Professorship, SUNY Geneseo
    2010-present: Professor of Physics, SUNY Geneseo
    2022-2023: Interim Chair, Department of Mathematics, SUNY Geneseo
    2016-2017: Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment, SUNY Geneseo
    2012-2015: Interim Chair, Department of Art History, SUNY Geneseo
    2011-2016: Dean of Curriculum and Academic Services, SUNY Geneseo
    2009-2011: Rotating Associate Dean of the College, SUNY Geneseo
    2003-2010: Associate Professor, SUNY Geneseo
    2005: Visiting Research Associate, Duke University, Durham, NC (on sabbatical leave) 
    2001-2002: Drescher Research, SUNY Geneseo
    1996-2003: Assistant Professor, SUNY Geneseo
    Spring 1996: Visiting Assistant Professor, SUNY Geneseo
    1994-1995: Visiting Assistant Professor, SUNY Geneseo
    Fall 1993: Adjunct Lecturer, SUNY Geneseo
    Summer 1993: Teaching Assistant, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
    1991-1993: CAS Academic Advisor, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
    1989-1991: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
    1986-1989: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University, Ames, IA


  • PHYS 123: Analytical Physics I

    An analytical, calculus-based treatment of kinematics, Newton's laws, kinetic and potential energy, friction, linear momentum, angular momentum, rotational dynamics, gravitational physics, and simple harmonic motion.

  • PHYS 125: Analytical Physics II

    An analytical, calculus-based treatment of charge, electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, simple applications of Maxwell's equations, Lenz's law, basic electrical circuits, mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and geometric optics.

More About Me

Curriculum Vita

Savi Iyer (Savitri Venkateswaran) is from Chennai, India, and in 1986, emigrated to the US to begin graduate work in Physics.  She and her husband, Madan Shastri, have two children, and live in Geneseo, NY.