W-2 Information
Opt Out of Paper W-2s
Current employees can opt out of receiving paper W-2s.
Follow four easy steps to go paperless:
- Log into the SUNY Self Service Portal
- Select "Go Paperless"
- Select "Printed W-2s"
- Check the box "I do not want a printed copy of my W-2s sent to me"
Other W-2 Information
How to Get a Duplicate W-2
- Current employees can get a duplicate W-2 statement through the SUNY Self Service Portal. You will then click the NYS Payroll Online icon.
- Past employees can provide your name, last four digits of your social security number, current mailing address and the statement year requested to Payroll@geneseo.edu
When W-2 Forms are Sent
W-2 Statements are mailed out to the address on your current pay stub on or before January 31.
More Info
- An employee who has worked for more than one (1) State agency during the year will receive only one (1) Form W-2. Employees who worked in more than one (1) company (for example, both CUNY and NYS) will receive a Form W-2 for each company.
- Employees should retain their last paycheck stub/direct deposit advice statement for 2018 for a record of Non-Taxable Health Insurance paid in 2018. These amounts are excluded from Boxes 1, 3 and 5 to calculate the taxable gross wages for Federal income tax, Social Security and Medicare taxes. However, the amounts for the health insurance and the NYS-Ride Transportation Program do not appear on the Form W-2.
- If you have an incorrect SSN or Name on your W2 you can request a corrected W2. W2-C's are processed by Albany and mailed from Albany the first Wednesday of each month. Please email the payroll mailbox above with the errors and corrections along with how best to contact you.
- Retirement System Contributions 414(h) All non-taxable Tier 3,4,5,and 6 contributions made to New York State or City retirement systems or to TIAA-CREF must be reported for State and Local taxes. If there is a minus sign (-) with this amount, it can be disregarded for State and Local taxes since the taxes have already been paid.
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