Performance Management Policy

Performance Management Policy

Policy Statement

In accordance with Article XII, Title C. of the Policies of the Board of Trustees, It is the policy of the University to evaluate on a regular basis the performance of all professional employees. Evaluation is the continuous process carried out on a daily basis. A formal evaluation should be an expression of this ongoing process.


Each professional employee in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit shall have his or her performance evaluated by the employee's immediate supervisor formally, in writing, once each year during the term of appointment and as changing conditions warrant, except where the employee is serving a final year at the College following notice of non-renewal. Such evaluation shall be based on a performance program determined by the immediate supervisor after consultation with the employee, a copy of which shall be given to the employee. Performance shall be characterized, in summary, as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A professional employee whose performance is characterized as "unsatisfactory" in a written report resulting from a formal evaluation may seek review of such a report by the appropriate professional staff committee established for such purpose. Written performance evaluations should be completed in accordance with the following suggested schedule:

  • Permanent employees are on a one-year cycle from July 1 – June 30 of each year.
  • Term and temporary employees are on a one-year cycle beginning with the date of appointment (anniversary date) in accordance with notice provisions of the Policies of the Board of Trustees and the UUP Contract (see below). 

UUP Professional Performance Review and Renewal Schedule

Year(s) Program/ Evaluation Period Renewal Notice Requirement
In Year 1 Every 6 months (twice per year) 3 months before term end date
In Year 2 6 months (mid-point) 6 months before term end date  
Year 3 – Year 6 Annually   1 year from term end date
Year 7 and beyond July 1 – June 30 Not applicable*     

  *Does not apply to Appendix A, Appendix B or Appendix C titles.  Employees in these specific titles should be evaluated annually on or around their respective anniversary dates.