GLOBE Connected World Learning Outcomes for General Education

Summary of Requirements (link to full framework):

Broad Knowledge

1. Communication

  • One course in ​Basic Communication​ (3-4 credits)
  • Coursework in a single ​Language other than English​ through the second elementary level (0-8 credits)

2. Scientific Literacy

  • One course in ​Quantitative, Computational, Symbolic Reasoning​ (3-4 credits)
  • One course in ​Natural Science​, to include a lab component (4-5 credits*)

3. Participation in a Global Society

In selecting courses, students complete at least one course each in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

  • One course in ​Diversity, Pluralism, and Power​ (3-4 credits)
  • One course in ​World Cultures and Values​ (3-4 credits)
  • One course in ​Contemporary Global Challenges​ (3-4 credits)
  • One course in ​Creativity and Innovation​​ (3-4 credits)
  • One course in ​Sustainability (3-4 credits)

Approved courses may be found in DegreeWorks and are listed here.

The following Learning Outcomes have been approved by the College Senate in 2022-2023

Basic Communication

Students will


  • research a topic, develop an argument, and organize supporting details;
  • demonstrate coherent college-level communication (written and oral) that informs, persuades, or otherwise engages with an audience;
  • evaluate communication for substance, bias, and intended effect.

Students will

  • demonstrate an awareness of authorial positionality and individual linguistic variations along with those of peers in an academic context;
  • demonstrate an understanding of three modes of writing that are conditioned by different purposes, audiences, genres, conventions, the writer's identity, and context. Every student will practice writing
    • addressed to the self (reflection)
    • addressed to others (analytical/persuasive)
    • addressed to the dynamic text

Students will

  • locate information effectively using tools appropriate to their need and discipline;
  • evaluate information with an awareness of authority, validity, and bias; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of information use, creation, and dissemination.
Communication - Global and World Languages

Students will

  • exhibit basic proficiency in the understanding and use of a world language; and
  • demonstrate knowledge of the distinctive features of culture(s) associated with the language they are studying. 
Quantitative Reasoning

Students will demonstrate mathematical skills and quantitative reasoning, including the ability to

  • interpret and draw inferences from appropriate mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables, or schematics;
  • represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally as appropriate; and
  • employ quantitative methods such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems
Scientific Reasoning

Students will demonstrate scientific reasoning applied to the natural world, including

  • an understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of data analysis or mathematical modeling; and
  • application of scientific data, concepts, and models in one of the natural (or physical) sciences

Students will 

  • demonstrate an understanding of at least one principal form of artistic expression and the creative process inherent therein.

Students will

  • demonstrate knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities; and
  • recognize and analyze nuance and complexity of meaning through critical reflections on text, visual images, or artifacts.
Social Sciences

Students will demonstrate

  • understanding of at least one social scientific method, including quantitative and qualitative research designs; hypothesis development and testing; observation, measurement, and data collection; statistical and interpretive analysis; scientific communication;
  • knowledge of some major social scientific concepts, models, and theories;
  • familiarity with some social, political, economic, and moral issues of concern to social scientists.
Diversity, Pluralism, and Power

Students will

  • describe the historical and contemporary factors that shape the development of individual and group identity involving race, class, and gender;
  • Analyze the role that complex networks of social structures and systems play in the creation of and perpetuation of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity;
  • Apply the principles of rights, access, equity, and autonomous participation to past, present, or future social justice action.
World Cultures and Values

Students will

  • understand systems of value and meaning as embodied in one or more different cultures outside of the Western tradition;
  • assess interconnections among/across local and global systems and cultures.
Contemporary Global Challenges

Students will

  • understand how local and global systems depend upon one another;
  • apply global perspectives in addressing challenges and solving problems
Creativity and Innovation

Students will understand

  • creative expression, art, and invention as foundational to culture and inclusive societal betterment;
  • the relationship between individual creative work or innovation and wider contexts.

Students will be able to

  • identify and analyze major sustainability challenges and solutions at local to global scales;
  • understand the interactions between political, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental systems;
  • understand the roles of power, influence, and inequity in sustainability.
Critical Thinking in the Major

 Students will be able to

  • clearly articulate an issue or problem;
  • identify, analyze, and evaluate ideas, data, and arguments as they occur in their own and others' work;
  • acknowledge limitations such as perspective and bias; and
  • develop well-reasoned (logical) arguments to form judgments and/or to draw conclusions.
Information and Digital Literacy in the Major

Students will be able to

  • understand how computing is relevant to their discipline (e.g. What is computational biology?  What are the digital humanities?)
  • use digital tools effectively for information-gathering, analysis, communication, and self-expression within the context of the discipline
  • understand discipline-specific ethical dimensions of digital technology (e.g., how, in digital spaces within the context of the discipline, the following come into play: privacy, autonomy, attribution, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging)
Leadership and Collaboration in the Major

Students will be able to

  • engage others in developing collaborative solutions
  • promote, consider, and respond to diverse viewpoints
  • manage and share work fairly and respectfully
Written and Oral Communication in the Major

Within a discipline and at an advanced level, students will be able to

  • research at topic, develop and argument, and organize supporting details;
  • demonstrate coherent college-level communication (written and oral) that informs, persuades, or otherwise engages with an audience;
  • evaluate communication for substance, bias, and intended effect; and
  • demonstrate the ability to revise and improve written and oral communication.
Integrative and Applied Learning

Students will be able to:

  • Integrate multiple bodies of knowledge with their personal experience by asking meaningful questions about real-world problems
  • Apply skills, theories, and methods gained in academic study, professional experiences, and/or co-curricular experiences to new situations
  • Reflect upon changes in their learning and outlook over time, and integrate into their future endeavors based on that self-reflection