Learning Outcomes for Mathematics
R/Mathematics (or Numerical and Symbolic Reasoning):
Eligible courses in this category emphasize an analytical approach to problem-solving through the use of quantitative data and/or mathematical reasoning. The preponderance of the coursework must involve the solution of problems using one or more of the following analytic tools: numbers, symbols, formulas, numerical calculations, analytic calculations, analysis of graphical data, statistical methods, fundamental mathematical theories, or empirical mathematical models. A primary goal must be to draw student attention to the connection between the methods of problem-solving (numerical, formulaic, algorithmic) and the logical and mathematical foundations that justify them.
The justification for any eligible course must include the statement of a typical problem from the discipline which students are to approach using numerical and/or symbolic reasoning, the analytic tools to be used, and the relationship of problem-solving method to foundations.
The list of eligible courses will consist principally of courses in mathematics, logic, natural science, social science and computer science.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate:
- the ability to convert a problem into a setting using symbolic notation;
- the ability to connect and find relationships among symbolic quantities;
- the ability to construct an appropriate symbolic framework;
- the ability to carry out algorithmic and logical procedures to resolution;
- the ability to draw valid conclusions from numeric/symbolic evidence.