Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials
For fumes and vapors only -- any spark may cause ignition leading to explosion. Do not call from cell phones or two-way radios. Do not pull fire alarms if you detect gas.
Fumes and Vapors
- You may be overcome by fumes or vapors. Immediately evacuate the area.
- Some dangerous gases do not have an odor. Do not let your safety be guided by your sense of smell.
- Never enter a room or building from which a strong odor or vapor is being emitted.
- Avoid using elevators.
- Do not re-enter affected building or area until authorized by University Police or other officials.
For Minor Spills
- Notify others in the area that a spill has occurred.
- Prevent others from coming in contact with spilled material(s).
- If you can identify the material and are familiar with it, clean it up.
- Wear personal protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, respirator, etc. before cleanup.
- Try to prevent material from entering waterways. Build a dike around access points (sink, cup sinks, floor and outside storm drains). Spread absorbent material on and around spill.
- Sweep up absorbed spill from the outside toward the middle and deposit in leak-proof container. Label and dispose following hazardous waste management protocol.
- Wash the contaminated surface with soapy water. Report the spill to your supervisor and to Environmental Health and Safety at 585-245-5663.
For Major Spills
- Dial 911 from a campus or blue light emergency phone.
- Notify others in the area that a spill has occurred.
- For flammable materials, turn off all ignition sources.
- Close doors to the area where the spill occurred.
- Limit access to the area. Do not attempt to clean up a spill.
- Stand by area outside the building until help arrives.
- If you are injured in a hazardous material spill, seek immediate medical attention.
When reporting a spill, provide the following information:
- Personal injuries, if any.
- Contamination, if any. You and those around you may require decontamination to protect yourself and the lives of friends and family. Do not leave the site until cleared by emergency response personnel.
- Location of the spill (building and room number).
- Name of material(s) involved.
- Estimated amount of material spilled.
- Spill details
- How it occurred (if known or suspected)
- Immediate response actions
- Who first detected spill and at what time
- Call-back number(s)