Circus Memes

You've heard of elf on a shelf, now get ready for stilts on a quilt, a circus stilts meme.



"You like Juggling?" with Barry Bee from the Bee Movie, a circus juggling meme.



Wot 'n juggling notation? Based on "wot 'n tarnation?", a circus juggling meme.



Poster for Circus Club, Spring 2017.

You've heard of elf on a shelf, now get ready for yo-yo on fro-yo, a circus yo-yo meme.



The Heaviest Objects in the Universe: a weighted juggling ball, a circus juggling meme



When you toss the diabolo too high and it hits the ceiling, with Larry David, a circus diabolo meme



Coming Soon to Circus Club, a circus meme.

When someone insinuates that all jugglers are clowns, a circus juggling meme.



Brain meme, ranging from "diabolo" to "elbow able to", a circus diabolo meme



Former Geneseo Juggling Club logo