Shuo Chen has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2005

Office Hours
Curriculum Vitae
B.A., Renmin University of China
M.A. Economics, University of Mississippi
Ph.D. Economics, University of Mississippi
SUNY Geneseo, 2005-present
American Economic Association
Midwest Economic Association
Chen, S. and Anthony Gu (2012). "Expectation Fulfillment Effect on the Fed?s Announcement Day: Evidence in the U.S. Stock Market", 17th International Conference, Global Business Development Institute, Las Vegas.
More About Me
Research Interests
Dr. Chen's research interests are in the areas of Industrial Organization, Managerial Economics, and Econometrics. Her paper, "Bargaining for Monopoly: the Joint Operating Arrangement between the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News," has been published in Antitrust Bulletin. Her current research projects include "open source software and intellectual property protection" and "multicollinearity in estimating time series models." These works have been presented at several professional conferences, including the Midwest Economic Association and Southern Economic Association conferences.
Additional Information
Dr. Chen's Links
- Personal Website
Office Hours
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Industrial Organization
Managerial Economics
ECON 110: Introductory Microeconomics
A survey introduction to microeconomics with emphasis on the concepts of demand, supply, production, input markets, general equilibrium, and economic efficiency. Attention is given to the problems of income distribution, agriculture, spillover effects, and international trade.
ECON 210: Intermed Microeconomic Theory
A study of the theories of price and production in markets for goods and factors under various market structures. Emphasis is given to indifference analysis and to strategic models of oligopoly and monopolistic competition.