RIT Saunders page
SUNY Geneseo and RIT Saunders College of Business 4+1 agreement
Five Years, Two Schools, Two Degrees.
After you complete your SUNY Geneseo undergraduate degree, you can now get your Master of Business Administration (MBA) in one year! See the courses at Geneseo that qualify for MBA core course waivers as long as they meet the following conditions:
- B grade or better must be earned in courses reviewed for waivers
- May waive up to 6 total core MBA courses
- Courses for waivers must be taken within 5 years of matriculating into the MBA program
20% Scholarship Award for RIT and Partner Schools
Students from SUNY Geneseo receive special RIT Saunders partnership benefits including a waiver of the application fee and a minimum 20% scholarship award for students who meet the full admissions requirements to the MBA. Review of Saunders merit scholarships will take place along with department admission decisions.
SUNY Geneseo MBA Course Waiver Chart
Course Planning for Waivers | MBA Foundation Courses |
To learn more about the 4+1 SUNY Geneseo and RIT Saunders College of Business Accelerated MBA program, please visit their website