Avan Jassawalla

Professor of Management School Of Business
South Hall 116B
Portrait of Avan Jassawalla

Office Hours


Curriculum Vitae


  • B.Com., M.Com. University of Bombay, Bombay, India

  • M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University


  • Academy of Management

  • Society for Human Resource Management


  • Sashittal, H.C., A.R. Jassawalla and P. Markulis (2012). ?Students? perspective into the apathy and social disconnectedness they feel in undergraduate business classrooms,? Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 10(3), 413-446.

  • Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (2017). “What students think and do in classroom teams when peer evaluations are highly consequential.” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 15(2): 219-247. The Australian Business Dean’s (ABDC) listing of journal quality rates this journal a B.

  • Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (forthcoming 2017). "How and why Millennials are initiating conflict in vertical dyads and what they are learning: A two-stage study" has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Conflict Management. ABDC lists this journal as an A. This paper went through a rigorous revise and resubmit in January 2017 and was accepted for publication in March 2017.

More About Me

Research Interests

Prof. Jassawalla currently teaches Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management (HRM) to undergraduates and Leadership in Organizations to graduate (Master?s in Accounting) students at Geneseo. She has varied research interests and has developed three research streams: managing new product development processes, international HRM, and effectiveness of student teams. These have led to over 25 publications including refereed journal articles and book chapters. Her work is published in high caliber management journals such as The Academy of Management Learning & Education, California Management Review, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, and Human Resource Management.


Leadership and Organizational Behavior


  • MGMT 300: Organizational Behavior

    A study of theories of organizational culture, behavior, and design. This course will focus upon individual behavior within groups and organizations; leadership and decision-making within organizations; organizational culture and design; group dynamics, total quality, and demographic diversity issues within organizations; and various macro-environmental influences on organizations, e.g. technology, ethical issues, global considerations, and environmental demographic diversity.

  • MGMT 500: Leadership in Organizations

    This course will provide opportunities for actively engaging in discussion, role-plays, analysis of articles, and participation in teamwork. Lecture will be kept at a minimum. A greater emphasis will be placed on critical thinking and applying the concepts and theories as best we can in a classroom environment. Small group activities and discussion will serve a dual purpose of learning concepts as well as developing your team Additionally, students will have opportunities to conduct their own research on Leadership and present their findings and analysis to the class.