Current American Studies Course Offerings
Summer & Fall 2025 Course Offerings in American Studies
For more information, please contact American Studies Coordinator Caroline Woidat.
Summer 2025 Courses
ANTH 326 - Race, Racism and Antiracism in the Americas (Online 5/19–6/13)
HIST 163 - African American History to 1877 (Online 5/19–6/27)
PLSC 110 - American Politics (Online 5/19–6/27)
Fall 2025 American Studies Electives
Courses that may be taken as American Studies electives:
- ENGL 111 - Literature, Medicine, and Racism
- ENGL 114 - Literature & Sustainability: Native Lands
- ENGL 329 - Contemporary American Literature
- ENGL 439 - Women, Spirits, and Ghosts
- ENGL 458 - Louisa May Alcott
- GEOG 201 - Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
Note: HIST 302 is restricted to History majors, minors & concentrators, sophomore standing or higher OR permission of History Department.
HIST 120 - Military History of the USA
HIST 161 - American Populism
HIST 204 - United States Since 1945
HIST 263 - Civil War and Reconstruction Era from 1830-1890
HIST 266 - Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 301 - Interpretations in History: Civil Rights Movement
HIST 302 - Research in History: US Women’s History
HIST 304 - Teaching in History: US History
HIST 415 - Environmental History of Modern America
- INTD 203 Social Foundations of Education in the United States
- MGMT 263 - Business Law I
- MUSC 100 Woody Guthrie & Folk Revival
Political Science
PLSC 110 - American Politics
PLSC 414 - American Public Policy
PLSC 418 - Constitutional Law
SOCL 220 - Inequality, Class, and Poverty
SOCL 230 - Race and Ethnicity
SOCL 310 - Sociology of Law
Fall 2025 AMST Cultural Intersections
Courses that fulfill the AMST Cultural Intersections requirement:
ENGL 111 - Literature, Medicine, and Racism
ENGL 114 - Literature & Sustainability: Native Lands
ENGL 439 - Women, Spirits, and Ghosts
ENGL 458 - Louisa May Alcott
SOCL 220 - Inequality, Class, and Poverty
SOCL 230 - Race and Ethnicity
HIST 263 - Civil War and Reconstruction Era from 1830-1890
HIST 266 - Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 301 - Interpretations in History: Civil Rights Movement
HIST 302 - Research in History: US Women’s History
Fall 2025 AMST Transnational
Courses that fulfill the AMST transnational requirement:
ANTH 226 - Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean
ANTH 318/WGST 318 - Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
- COMN 317 - Culture and Communication
FNCE 316 - International Finance
- HIST 270 - History of Latin America to 1825
Political Science
PHIL 202 - World Religions & Contemporary Issues
PLSC 120 - Comparative Politics
- PLSC 140 - International Politics
- SOCL 105 - Introduction to Global Social Change
- SOCL 325 - Global Social Change
Women & Gender Studies
- WGST 318 - Gender and Sexuailty in Latin America (cross-listed with ANTH 318)