MATH 390-01 (50640)        History of Mathematics


TIME:  9:30-10:20 MWF


PLACE:  Newton 209


INSTRUCTOR:  Gary Towsley, South 324 C, x5388,



1.  Classics of Mathematics, ed. Ronald Calinger

 Prentice Hall (1995)

2. Euclid-The Thirteen Books of the Elements, ed. T. Heath

  Dover Books (1956)

3. Exercise Supplement (available from Sundance Books)


EVALUATION: The final grade for this course will be based upon a mid-term, a final exam, and homework.  The portions of the evaluation will be weighted as follows:

Mid-term exam…………………………………….30%

Final exam…………………………………………35%


The final grade for the course will be assigned by the following schedule:

A  93-100%  A--  90-92%    B+  87-89%   B  83-86%   B--   80-82%

C+  77-79%   C   73-76%     C--  70-72%   D  60-69%   E     0-59%

The final exam is scheduled for Friday May 17at 8 AM.  The mid-term exam is scheduled for Friday, March 15.  All homework is due by 5 PM of the due date.


MAKEUP POLICY:    I will provide the opportunity for a makeup exam if I am provided with a verifiable and significant excuse.



1.     The Beginnings of Mathematics

2.     Mathematics of the Ancient World

3.     The Mathematics of Ancient Greece

4.     The Mathematics of the Islamic World and India

5.     Medieval and Renaissance Mathematics

6.     The Scientific Revolution and the Development of Calculus

7.     Mathematics  1700-1900

8.     The Twentieth Century


A more detailed content outline can be found on the website for the course ~towsleyg/courses/MATH390