MATH 390 History of Mathematics

MATH 390-01 (50640)


INSTRUCTOR: Gary W. Towsley, 324C South Hall, x5388,


TIME and PLACE: 10:30-11:20 MWF Sturges 208A



1. Classics of Mathematics ed. by Ronald Calinger

    Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995

2. The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements  Vol. 1,trans. by T. Heath

    Dover Books, New York, 1956

3. An Exercise Supplement is available from my outbox. I will have available at nominal cost paper copies of the exercise supplement.


EVALUATION: The final grade for this course will be based upon a mid-term, a final exam, and homework.  The portions of the evaluation will be weighted as follows:

Mid-term exam…………………………………….30%

Final exam…………………………………………35%


The final grade for the course will be assigned by the following schedule:

A  93-100%  A--  90-92%    B+  87-89%   B  83-86%   B--   80-82%

C+  77-79%   C   73-76%     C--  70-72%   D  60-69%   E     0-59%

Homework is due during the day, not necessarily at the class of the day due. Significant reductions in points will be applied to late homework. No homework assignment will be accepted after that assignment has been returned in class.

The final exam will be given at 8 AM, Wednesday, May 5.

The mid-term exam will be given on (or near) Friday, February 27.



One semester is not long enough to give an adequate coverage of the whole history of mathematics. We will cover a selection of major topics, mostly concerned with the development of mathematics in the West. The topics to be covered are:

1. Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian Mathematics

2. Ancient Greek Mathematics – Geometry and Number Theory

3. The Transition to Western Europe – Mathematics of Islam, Medieval Translations

4. The Mathematics of Medieval Europe

5. The Renaissance – The Cubic Equation and the development of Algebra

6. Fermat and Descartes and Coordinate Geometry

7. The development of Calculus

8. A strand of Number Theory to the Present

9. The Foundations of the Calculus – Euler, Cauchy, Weierstrass, etc.

10. Problems in the Foundations in the 20th Century


MAKEUP POLICY:    I will provide the opportunity for a makeup exam if I am provided with a verifiable and significant excuse.


 OFFICE HOURS: - 9:30-10:20 MWF, 9:30-12 T