MATH 380 – Topics in Mathematics – Conics

MATH 380-01 15978


INSTRUCTOR: G. Towsley, 324 C South Hall,  245-5388,


TIME and PLACE: 9:55-11:20 TTh, South 336


TEXT: Conics by Keith Kendig, The Mathematical Association of America, 2005


EVALUATION PROCEDURES: The grade for this course will be based on a mid-term exam, a final exam, problem sets, and presentations. The portions of the evaluation are weighted as follows:

Mid-term Exam            20%

Final Exam                   20%

Problem Sets                35%

Presentations                25%

The mid-term exam will be given on or near October 24. The final exam is scheduled for Thursday, December 14 at 8 AM. Here will be about 7 problem sets roughly equally spaced throughout the semester. The presentations are in-class presentations of solutions of problems. Each student will be responsible for three presentations during the semester. Problems may be presented by individuals or by groups of two. Presentations will vary between 5 and 15 minutes in length.


OFFICE HOURS: 11:30-12:20 MWF and 11:20-12:20 TTh, and by appointment


CONTENT OUTLINE: A very rough outline of the contents of the course is as follows:

1. A Review of Conic Sections as seen in Calculus (There is a handout called Conics ala Calculus available either in my outbox or on my website.)

2. The History of Conic Sections

3. Conics viewed through Projective Geometry

4. Conics viewed through Complex Variables

5. Conics viewed through Topology

6. Conics and Curvature


We will cover as much of the text as we can in the semester.