MATH 371 – Solutions to Problem Set 4

1.  a) On the circle, G, . Thus by Cauchy’s Integral Theorem.

     b) First compute by Cauchy’s Integral Formula. Then .


2.  a) Let  and be circles of radius 0.5 centered on 1 and -1 respectively, each traversed in the counterclockwise direction. Then .

.  Let  and .

b) Let , , and g be circles of radius ¼ centered on 1, 0 , and -1 with positive orientation. Then


Let .

Then .


3. Let G be the unit circle oriented positively. Then by the Cauchy Integral Formula



4. Since the series is a geometric series and the series converges. It converges to .


5. a) ¥

    b)   Hint: Apply the ratio test to the whole power series.

    c) 1


6. a)

    b) .

    c) R = 1.

