MATH 371 – Problem Set 2 (Due Wednesday, October 1)


1. a) Show that  is harmonic for all .

    b) Find the harmonic conjugate v(x,y) of u such that v(0,0) = 1.

    c) Let . Express f(z) in terms of z. Where is f analytic?


2.  Let .

   a) Show that f maps the circle onto the circle .

   b) Let . Find .


3.  Let .

    a) Show that u is harmonic for all z with Re(z) > 0.

    b) Find a harmonic conjugate to u in Re(z) > 0.

    c) Is u harmonic at the point -1 + i?


4. Fully factor the polynomial .

 (Hint: Multiply P by (z – 1) and factor the resulting polynomial. You may express your answer in terms of sines and cosines.)


5.  Let .

   a) Find the poles and zeroes of R.

   b) Find the residue of R at each of its poles.