MATH 335 Class Exercise on Axiom Systems


1.  Using the model for Fano’s Geometry pictured below, add a point Q to the model and show that this leads to a violation of the axioms.  This shows that Fano has exactly seven points.  (Note. E – B – F is a line.)








2.  Using the data on the Axiom page draw a model of Young’s Geometry using the points A through G below.  You will have to draw some lines that are not straight.  Then answer the questions below.



A                     B                      C



D                     E                      F



G                     H                     I




   a) Which lines are parallel to L10? ______________

   b) Which lines intersect L10 at point H? ____________

   c) Find the line that is on G and has no points in common with L5. ____________

   d) How many lines are on point F?



3.  a) Devise a model for Axioms 2-4 in Incidence Geometry that shows that Axiom 1 is independent of the rest.






   b) Repeat part a) except show that Axiom 4 is independent.





   c) Repeat part a) except show that Axiom 3 is independent.