MATH 319 01 Theory of Numbers (53254)


INSTRUCTOR:  G. Towsley, 324C South Hall, x5388,

TIME AND PLACE:  10:30-11:20  MWF  Sturges 208A

TEXT: Elementary Number Theory and its Applications, 4th ed., K. Rosen, Addison-
Wesley Longman (2000)  ISBN 0-201-87073-8


     The grade for this course will be based on an in-class test, a project, and homework assignments.  The portions of the evaluation are weighted as follows:


Mid-term Exam.………………….30%

Final Exam.………………………35%

The mid-term exam will be given on or near Friday, March 11.   The final exam is scheduled for Friday, May 6 at 8 AM. The homework assignments may be completed by groups of 3-4 students with a single submission from each group or individuals may complete them. Part of the homework will consist of laboratory exercises in Number Theory using Maple or another computer program. The final grade will be determined on the following schedule:

A   93-100%    A-   90-92%     B+   87-89%    B  83-86%       B-  80-82%

C+  77-79%     C    73-76%     C-   70-72%     D  60-69%       E     0-59%



The course covers some or all of chapters 1 and 3-11 of the text.  In detail:

1.      Divisibility, Primes, and the Euclidean Algorithm

2.      Congruence, Solutions of Congruences, The Chinese Remainder Theorem

3.      Fermat’s Little Theorem and Factorization

4.      Quadratic Reciprocity

5.      Arithmetic Functions

6.      Diophantine Equations

7.      Factoring, Primality Testing, and Public-key Cryptography


      A make-up exam will be given only if I am supplied with a valid excuse prior to the exam.


OFFICE HOURS:  9:30-10:20 MWF, 8-9:50 T Th, 11:30-12 MWF