MATH 319 Spring 2001  Assignments


Problem Set #1  (Due Friday, February 2)

1. Page 17 # 6,8,13,21,23

    Hints: #6  How does one express three consecutive integers if n is the middle one?

              #13 A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by both 2 and by 3.

2.  Find (1276,5168)

3. Find x and y, integers that satisfy:

   a) (7,11) = 7x + 11y

   b) (119,133) = 119x + 133y

Problem Set #2 (Due Wednesday, February 14)

 1. Page 56 # 6, 12,19,21, 32

Problem Set #3 (Due Friday, February 23)

 1. Page 58 # 33, 34, 38, 59

Problem Set #4 (Due Friday, March 2)

Problem Set #5 (Due Wednesday, April 4)

 1. Page 135 #3,9,10 and page 141 #1,2,3

Problem Set #6 (Due Friday, May 4)