MATH 319 Solutions Assignment 4


page 58 #32.

     Show that {2,4,6,…,2m} is a complete residue system (mod m) if m is odd.

Proof: Since m is odd, (2,m) = 1. By Theorem 2.6 (proved in class) we know that since {1,2,3,…,m} is a CRS (mod m ) then so is {2×1, 2×2, 2×3,…,2×m}.


#33.  Show that {12, 22, …,m2 }is not a CRS for m > 2.

Proof:  If m > 2 then m-1 is not equal to 1 but and hence there are fewer than m incongruent numbers in the set {12, 22, …,m2} is not a CRS mod m.


#38.  Prove there are infinitely many primes of the form 4k + 1.

Proof: Assume there are only finitely many primes of the form 4k + 1 and let  be the set of all of them.  Let  be the product of all the primes of the form 4k + 1.  Then let . Is Q a prime?  No because it is of the form 4k + 1 and is greater than any of the complete list of primes of that form. Thus Q is composite.  Does it have any prime factors of the form 4k + 3?  By Lemma 2.14 if q is a prime factor of Q then q divides , and hence . But no number larger than 1 divides 1. So no such q exists. Thus all prime factors of Q must be of the form 4k + 1. (Clearly 2 does not divide Q). Let pi be one such prime factor of Q.  and  so pi must divide their difference which is 1. Again this is not true.