MATH 319 Solutions Assignment 3


27.  Show that  for all composite n > 4.

    Proof:  Since n is composite we know that n = uv with 1 < u,v < n. If u and v are not equal then they each appear as separate terms in (n-1)! and hence n divides (n-1)!. The only difficulty is if u = v. In this case n = u2. u is a term in (n-1)!.  Since n > 4 we know that u >2 and hence n = u2 > 2u. Hence 2u is also a term in the product (n-1)!. Hence (n-1)! is divisible by (2u)(u) = 2n and hence by n.  Note that this does not work if n = 4.


6. Prove that if p is a prime and , then  of .

    Proof:   is equivalent to  or  By Theorem 1.15 p must divide one of the two factors.


8. Prove that any number that is a square must have one of 0,1,4,5,6 for its units digit.

   Proof.  Any n can be written as n = 10k + u where u is the units digit of n.  Let n2 be a square. Then . Thus the units digit of n2 is the units digit of u2.  Squaring 0,1,2,…,9 yields units digits of 0,1,4,5,6.


19. Prove that n6 – 1 is divisible by 7 if (n,7) = 1.

   Proof:  By Fermat’s Theorem if (n,7) = 1 then since 7 is prime. But is equivalent to .


21.  Prove that n12 – 1 is divisible by 7 if (n,7) = 1.


   Proof:  By problem 19 we know that . Squaring both sides of this congruence gives which is equivalent to .