MATH 319 Midterm Exam

Answer all the following questions. Include all computations that are necessary for your answers.


1. State Fermat’s Theorem.


2.  {1,2,3,…,34} is a complete residue system modulo 34.  Is {4,8,12,…,136} a complete residue system mod 34?  Explain your answer.


3.  3 is a primitive root mod 17.  Briefly explain your answers to the following questions.

  a) Find all the other primitive roots mod 17.

  b) Show that 2 is not a primitive root mod 17.

  c) Find all elements of order 4 mod 17.

  d) How many solutions are there to ?


4.  Find the smallest positive solution to the simultaneous congruences:



5.  Prove that if p is a prime and , then


6.  Let m = 91.  Some of the terms below apply to m and some do not.  Using only the numerical data below determine which terms apply to m and which do not. Specify the base a when necessary. Justify your answers.

Terms – 1. Prime

              2. Composite

              3. Probable Prime to base a

              4. Strong Probable Prime to base a

              5. Pseudoprime to base a

              6. Strong Pseudoprime to base a.

Numerical Facts.


The smallest positive integer that is a strong pseudoprime to bases 2 and 3 is 1,373,653.