MATH 319 In Class Exercise on Arithmetic Functions


1.  Recall that if f(n) is a multiplicative function, then  is also multiplicative.

 a) Is f(n) = n + 1 multiplicative? ______,  If it is, compute F(12) = ___________.

 b) Is f(n) = n2 multiplicative? ________,  If it is, compute F(12) =____________.


2.  We showed earlier in the course that (n), the Euler  function is multiplicative.  Thus is multiplicative.  The goal of this problem is to compute a formula for F(n).

We start by finding a formula for (n).

Since (n) is multiplicative we need a formula for (pk) for prime p and k, a positive integer.

(2) = _____, (4) = ______,           (8) = ______,           (16) = ________

(3) = ______, (9) = ______,        (27) = ______,         (81) = ________

Using the above what should (pk) be in terms of p and k?  ____________

Consider the set {1,2,3,…pk}.  How many of these numbers are divisible by p? _____

*(pk) is the number of numbers in that set that are not divisible by p.

Thus (pk) = _________.

Now compute F(16) = ___________.

Compute F(pk) for prime p. ____________

What is the formula for F(n)? ___________

3.  The sigma function is defined as the sum of all the positive divisors of n.  Thus we have (6) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 12.

By the result mentioned in the first problem we can see that  is multiplicative since f(n) = n is multiplicative.  Thus to arrive at a formula for (n), we need a formula for (pk) for prime p.

(2) = ______,           (4) = ______,           (8) = ______,           (16) = ______

(3) = ______,           (9) = ______,           (27) = ______,         (81) = ______

(Hint: Geometric Series)

*(pk) = __________


Compute (5040) = ___________