Quadratic Residues


Theorem 3.1 (page 132)

     Let p be an odd prime.  Then

1. ,


2. ,




4. If (a,p) = 1,  then 




Proof.  1 and 5 were proved on Monday.


2. Since  and  we have .


3.  Use part 1 again.


4.  since a2 is a square.  Now apply part 2.


We state the next two theorems without proof.


Theorem 3.3  For any odd prime p,  .


Theorem 3.4  (page 137)

  Gauss’ Law of Quadratic Reciprocity

     If p and q are distinct odd primes, then




These theorems allow us to answer the question “Is a a quadratic residue mod p?” rather easily, without large computations.


Example.  Is 7 a quadratic residue mod 59?

  Compute .   By Quadratic Reciprocity we have .  By reducing mod 7 we have


.  We apply reciprocity to .




Thus .



So .  7 is a quadratic residue mod 59.


Example.  Is 30 a square mod 89?





.      .







Thus we have . 

30 is not a perfect square mod 89.


Now a harder problem.


Find all odd primes, p, such that .

Let p be an odd prime, different from 3.  Then.

Since p is an odd prime, different from 3 we have that .

Case 1: .

In this case . Then   if  (p-1)/2 is an even number.  This is true if (p-1)/2 = 2k for some integer k.  This reduces to p = 4k+1 or

We now have two congruences to solve simultaneously (using the Chinese Remainder Theorem):


The solution is


Case 2:

In this case we have shown that .

 reduces to  =.  We now need to have (p-1)/2 be an odd number.  If (p-1)/2 = 2k+1 then p=4k+3 or

The two congruences to solve in this case are:

The only solution is


Our final solution is 3 is a quadratic residue mod p for p an odd prime if and only if p is congruent to either 1 or 11 mod 12.