MATH 319  Group Exercise #1  Maple and the GCD


1.  Log on to the computer and open Maple 6 under Programs or Math Applications.  Maple does exact arithmetic unless you tell it otherwise.  In this first exercise we will just compute some numbers.  Note that multiplication always requires a multiplication sign (*).  Also, the semicolon is the end of line operator.  The semicolon followed by enter will execute the operation.  sqrt is the exact square root operator.

Compute the following numbers:

a)  (2)(3)(5)(7)(11)+1=______________        b) = __________

b)  212 + 1 = ____________                            d) 250 + 1 = ____________

e)  = ____________                             f) = ____________


2.  Go to  File, Open, Athena, MATH .  Find the MATH Out Box and look for a program called GCD2 under my name.  Load that program.  Note that to assign a value to a variable one uses := (colon followed by equals).

The program calculates the value of the GCD of two numbers – a and b.  It also at the bottom gives the numbers – x and y – such that GCD(a,b) = ax + by.

Find :

 a) (210-1,212-1) = _________                         b) (109-1,373) = ________

c) (2100-1,2120-1) = __________                      d) (35+24,37+25) = ________


Find values of x and y in the integers that satisfy: (if possible)

a) 33x + 72y = 3, x = ____, y = _____, b) 33x + 72y = 12,  x =____, y =_____

c) 54x + 86y = 3,  x = ____, y = ____,  d) 81x + 107y = 1,  x = ______, y = _______

e) (214+1)x + (310 – 1)y = 1,  x = _______________, y =_____________


3.  In Maple there is a package of functions useful in Number Theory.  To load these type with(numtheory);  The function of interest is ifactor.  This function writes out the prime factorization of a given number.  For example ifactor(24); would yield (23)(3).

On a new line define n = 10. (Remember the colon equals). We will check that the product of five consecutive integers is divisible by 120. 

The product of (n-2)(n-1)n(n+1)(n+2) is n5 – 5n3 + 4n. 

On the line below n:=10 type  ifactor(n^5-5*n^3+4*n);

For each of the following values of n compute ifactor(n^5-5*n^3+4*n).  Does it have factors that yield 120 as a factor?












Note that you can change the value of n in the line above ifactor(n^5-5*n^3+4*n).