MATH 301 Logic


Definition 1.2.1.  A first-order language L is an infinite collection of distinct symbols, no one of which is properly contained in another, separated into the following categories:

1. Parentheses: ( , ).

2.  Connectives: Ú, Ø.

3. Quantifier: ".

4. Variables, one for each positive integer n: .

    The set of variable symbols will be denoted by Vars.

5. Equality symbol: =.

6. Constant symbols: Some set of zero or more symbols.

7. Function symbols: For each positive integer n, some set of zero or more n-ary function


8. Relation symbols: For each positive integer n, some set of zero or more n-ary relation




Definition 1.3.1.  If L is a language, a term of L is a nonempty finite string t of symbols from L such that either:

1. t is a variable, or

2. t is a constant symbol, or

3. t is where f is an n-ary function symbol of L and each of the is a term of L.


Definition 1.3.3. If L is a first order language, a formula of L is a nonempty finite string  of symbols from L such that either:

1.  is , where  and  are terms of L, or

2.  is , where R is an n-ary relation symbol of L and  are all terms of L, or

3.  is , where  is a formula of L, or

4.  is , where  and  are formulas of L, or

5.  is , where v is a variable and  is a formula of L.

The atomic formulas are those given by 1. and 2.


Definition 1.5.1. The language LNT is , where 0 is a constant symbol, S a fixed unary function symbol, +, ×, and E are binary function symbols, and  is a binary relation symbol. This will be referred to as the language of number theory.

Definition 1.5.2. Suppose that v is a variable and  is a formula. We will say that v is free in  if

1.  is atomic and v occurs in (is a symbol in) , or

2.  is  and v is free in , or

3.  is  and v is free in at least one of  or , or

4.  is  and v is not u and v is free in .


Definition 1.5.3. A sentence in a language L is a formula of L that contains no free variables.


Definition 1.6.1. Fix a language L. An L-Structure U is a nonempty set A, called the universe of U, together with:

1. For each constant symbol c of L, an element  of A

2. For each n-ary function symbol f of L, a function

3. For each n-ary relation symbol R of L, an n-ary relation on A (i.e., a subset of ).


Definition 1.7.1. If U is an L-structure, a variable assignment function into U is a function s that assigns to each variable an element of the universe A. So a variable assignment function into U is any function with domain Vars and codomain A.


Definition 1.7.2. If s is a variable assignment function into U and x is a variable and aÎA, then  is the variable assignment function into U defined as follows:


     We call the function  an x-modification of the assignment function s.


Definition 1.7.3.  Suppose that U is an L-Structure and s is a variable assignment function into U. The function , called the term assignment function generated by s, is the function with domain consisting of the set of L-terms and codomain A defined recursively as follows:

1. It t is a variable,

2. If t is a constant symbol c, then

3. If t is , then








Definition 1.7.4.  Suppose that U is an L-structure,  is an L-formula, and  is a variable assignment function. We will say that U satisfies  with assignment s, and write , in the following circumstances:

1. If  is  and  is the same element of the universe A as , or

2. If   is  and , or

3. If  is  and U (where means ‘does not satisfy”), or

4. If  is  and U or U (or both), or

5. If  is  and for each element a of A, U.


If  is a set of L-formulas, we say that U satisfies  with assignment s, and write U if for each  , U


Definition 1.7.9. If is a formula in the language L and U is an L-structure, we say that U is a model of  , and write U, if and only if U for every assignment function s. If  is a set of L-formulas, we will say that U models , and write U, if and only if U for each .


Definition 1.8.1.  Suppose that u is a term, x is a variable, and t is a term. We define the term  (read “u with x replaces by t”) as follows:


1. If u is a variable not equal to x, then  is u.

2. If u is x, then  is t.

3. If u is a constant symbol, then  is u.

4. If u is , where f is an n-ary function symbol and the ui are terms, then

             is .


Definition 1.8.2. Suppose that  is an L-formula, t is a term, and x is a variable.We define the formula  (read “ with x replaced by t”) as follows:

1. If  is , then  is .

2. If  is , then  is .

2. If  is , then  is .

4. If  is , then  is .

5.  If  is , then


Definition 1.8.3.  Suppose that  is an L-formula, t is a term, and x is a variable. We say that t is substitutable for x in  if

1.  is atomic, or 

2.  is  and t is substitutable for x in , or

3.  is  and t is substitutable for x in both  and , or

4.  is  and either

            (a) x is not free in , or

            (b) y does not occur in t and t is substitutable for x in .


Definition 1.9.1.  Suppose that  and  are sets of L-formulas. We will say that  logically implies and write if for every L-structure U, if U, then U.


Definition 1.9.2.  An L-formula  is said to be valid if , in other words, if  is true in every L-structure with every assignment function s. In this case we will write .


Definition 2.2.1.  Suppose that  is a collection of L-formulas and D is a finite sequence of L-formulas. We will say that D is a deduction from  if for each i, , either

1.  ( is a logical axiom), or

2.  ( is a nonlogical axiom), or

3. There is a rule of inference  such that .

If there is a deduction from , the last line of which is the formula , we will call this a deduction from  of , and write .


Definition 2.4.1.  Suppose that  is a set of propositional formulas and  is a propositional formula.  We will say that is a propositional consequence of  if every truth assignment that makes each propositional formula in  true also makes  true. Notice that  is a tautology if and only if  is a propositional consequence of .


Definition 2.4.3.  Suppose that is a set of L-formulas and  is an L-formula. We will say that  is a propositional consequence  of  if  is a propositional consequence of , where  and  are the results of applying the procedure on the preceding page (page 59) uniformly to  and to all the formulas in .

Definition 2.4.5. If  is a finite set of L-formulas,  is an L-formula, and  is a propositional consequence of , then  is a rule of inference of type (PC).



Definition 2.4.6.  Suppose that the variable x is not free in the formula . Then both of the following are rules of  inference of type (QR):


Definition 3.1.1. A deductive system consisting of a collection of logical axioms  and a collection of rules of inference is said to be complete if for every set of nonlogical axioms  and every L-formula ,

                        If , then .


Definition 3.2.1. Let  be a collection of L-formulas. We will say that  is inconsistent if there is a deduction form  of . We say that   is consistent if it is not inconsistent.


Definition 3.3.4.  If U is an L-structure, we define the theory of U to be Th(U) = {is an L-formula and U}. If U and B are L-structures such that Th(U) = Th(B) , then we say that U and B are elementarily equivalent , and write U.

     If , we say that U is a model of arithmetic.


Definition 3.4.1. If U and B are two L-structures, we will say that U is a substructure of B, and write , if:

1. , where A and B are the universes of the given structures.

2. For every constant symbol c, .

3. For every n-ary relation symbol R,

4. For every n-ary function symbol f,  In other words, for every n-ary function symbol f and every ,  (This is called the restriction of the function to the set


Definition 3.4.4.   Suppose that U and B are L-structures and . We say that U is an elementary substructure of B (equivalently, B is an elementary extension of U), and write , if for every  and every L-formula ,

            U if and only if B.