MATH 301 – Mathematical Logic (14764) – Fall 2005


TIME AND PLACE: 8:30-9:20 MWF,   Sturges 103.


INSTRUCTOR:  Gary Towsley, South 324 C, x5388,


TEXT:  A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic, by Christopher C. Leary, Prentice Hall (2000) ISBN 0-13-010705-0



     The grade for this course will be based on an in-class test, a project, and homework assignments.  The portions of the evaluation are weighted as follows:



In-class Test………………………25%

Final Exam………………………..25%

The in-class test will be given on or near Monday, October 24.   The final exam will be given on Monday, December 19 at 8 AM. Homework may be handed in by either one person or by two people working together. Groups of two will make 3 short presentations on textbook problems throughout the course. Details of the format of the presentations will be given in class. The final grade will be determined on the following schedule:

A   93-100%    A-   90-92%     B+   87-89%    B  83-86%       B-  80-82%

C+  77-79%     C    73-76%     C-   70-72%     D  60-69%       E     0-59%


CONTENT OUTLINE:  This Course will cover the entire textbook. The goal of the course is to develop enough mathematical logic to state, prove, and understand the two incompleteness theorems of K. Godel. We will concentrate on what these theorems mean in the context of what we ordinarily think of as “Mathematics”.



      A make-up exam will be given only if I am supplied with a valid excuse prior to the exam.