MATH 222 Test 1  -  Part I                                         Name____________

Instructions: Answer all the question on the  paper provided and show your work. Calculators are not allowed on thisportion of the test.

1.  Find the derivative of each of the following functions:                                                (12)

   a)                                                                       a)________________





  b)                                                                           b) ________________






  c)                                                                             c) ________________






2. Evaluate each of the following integrals:                                                                     (8)


  a)                                                                            a) ________________










  b)                                                                                   b) ________________

MATH 222  Test 1 – Part II                                                                 Name____________

Instructions: Answer all questions on the paper provided and show all your work.  You may use a calculator on all parts of this test.


1.  A population undergoing Logistic population growth has the following population function:   where t is measured in years.                                (20)

a)  What is the carrying capacity of the population?



b) Find .



c) Find the initial population, P0.




d) Find the coordinates of the inflection point on the graph of P(t).







2.  Find all values of x such that .                               (8)









3.  Find the point of intersection of the graphs of  and y = 3.  Find the equation of the line tangent to the graph of at that point.                                         (12)

4.  M0 grams of a radioactive element are stored in a nucleur waste facility. Twenty years later it is determined that 70 grams remain.  Given that the half life of this element is 85 years find:                                                                                                    (20)

a) an expression for M(t), the mass of the element remaining after t years.




b) the amount remaining after 150 years.












5.  Find the area of the region bounded by the x-axis, the lines x = 3, x = 6, and the graph of .                                                                                                         (15)











6. Solve for x:  .                                                                      (5)