Calculus II  -  Fall 2001


Math 222-01 (12800)

TIME and PLACE:    10:30-11:20 MTWF  Sturges 108                  

INSTRUCTOR:   G. Towsley, South Hall 324 C,  x5388,


TEXT:   Calculus  4th  ed.  by J. Stewart,  Brooks/Cole


CALCULATOR:   A TI-89  graphing calculator is required for this course.


    The final grade for this course will be based upon three in-class exams, a comprehensive final exam, and homework.  The in-class tests will be given on or about Tuesday, September 25, Tuesday October 30,  and Tuesday,  December 4. The final exam will be given on Friday, December 14 at 8 AM. The weight given to each part of the evaluation is as follows:

Tests (in-class)..............................................................…40%

Final exam.......................................................................35%


The grades will be assigned on the following schedule.

A  -  93-100%      A-  -  90-92%    B+  -  87-89%    B  -  83-86%       B-  -  80-82%

C+  -  77-79%      C  -  73-76%     C-  -   70-72%    D  -  60-69%       E   -   0-59%.



     A make-up exam will be given only if I am supplied with a verifiable medical excuse or arrangements have been made prior to the scheduled exam.


     This course covers most of chapters 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 of the text.  A complete outline of the contents of the course will be given in class.


9:30-10:20 MWF,    11:30-1200 MWF,  9-10:30 T, 9:30-11:00 Th,  and by appointment.