MATH 222 - Logistic Population Growth


     If we adjust our model for exponential population growth so that the growth of the population slows down as the population approaches a certain value we develop a more realistic model called Logistic Growth.  Our original equation was .  To this we add a term to get the equation  where M is the ideal population for the particular environment.  M is usually called the “carrying capacity”.  We add the initial condition N(0)=N0.  To solve the equation we “separate the variables”  N and t.


We need to simplify the left hand side by the method of “partial fractions”’.

  (Check this equation.)


and .

Setting these equal we have ln(N)-ln(M-N)=kt+C, which yields

Using N(0)=N0 we have

In full detail our solution looks like this:  .    Let   Then our equation becomes: .

Solving for N(t) yields

Then we have   

Finally, let .  Divide the numerator and denominator by Aekt.  Then we have .


Example 1.  Suppose that N0 = 10, M = 100, and N(1) = 20.

 A=10/(100-10)=10/90=1/9.  B = 9.  The solution up to this point is

Using the last piece of information we have   We solve for k:


We have k = -ln(4/9) = ln(9/4).

The final solution is .

The graph of the solution is


Notice that the horizontal line N(t)=100 is a horizontal asymptote.


Exercise1.  Find the solution N(t) for N0 = 5, M = 100, and N(1) = 15. Graph the solution on the calculator.


Exercise 2. Find the solution N(t) for N0 = 25, M = 1000, and N(2) = 60. Find the value of t at which N(t) = 500 = M/2.


Exercise 3.  Find N(t) if N0 = 10,  M = 50, and N(2) = 20.  For what t does N(t)=45?

 Graph the solution.  For what value of t is N(t) rising the most steeply?  What is N equal to at that value of t?


Exercise 4.   Suppose that a population starts at a level above the carrying capacity.  What does the model predict?  Let N0 = 150 and M = 100. Also suppose that N(1)=125.  Find N(t) and graph the result.